Tutorial on Fast Pulse Width Modulation
/in 3Dot Getting Started Guide, E&C - MCU Subsystem Command Programming, E&C Resources/by Mark HuffmanProgramming Your Robot & Custom Telemetry
/in 3Dot Getting Started Guide, E&C - MCU Subsystem Command Programming, E&C Resources/by Mark Huffman3Dot Advanced Lab
/in 3Dot Getting Started Guide, E&C - MCU Subsystem Command Programming, E&C Resources, Training/by Mark HuffmanIn the “Blink” example the frequency at which the LED blinked was controlled by the calls to the delay function. In this lab a potentiometer is used to increase and decrease the duty cycle of an external LED. Concepts introduced in this lab include wiring an external circuit to the 3DoT I2C connector, plus Arduino […]
Getting Started with 3DoT – Initial Arduino Setup
/in 3Dot Getting Started Guide, E&C - MCU Subsystem Command Programming, E&C Resources, Training/by Mark HuffmanLearn the basics on how to: Post to Github, Download from Github, and Upload Code to Arduino
/in E&C - MCU Subsystem Command Programming, E&C Resources, Getting Started, Training/by arxterraBy Tommy Sanchez
Typically instructions on posting repositories to Github can be a little confusing, the tutorial below can be used as a guide to hopefully get you posting quickly and without the confusion. The tutorial also shows how to go about downloading a Github file from any public repository. It’s useful to understand how to use Github, as robot communication code for Arxterra can be found on Github.
The Arxterra Gitub page is: https://github.com/arxterra. If you don’t know how to upload the code to Arduino this tutorial also gives a simple guide on how to do so.
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