Spring 2016 3 DOT Goliath IR Emitter/Receiver Test

By: :  Tae Min Lee (Missions, Systems, and Testing Engineer)

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IR Mid-Range Proximity Sensor

Implementing a game of laser tag using IR emitter/receiver will be safe for to play for all ages.  This falls back to one of our level 1 requirements for safety standards for child safe toys.  The figure above shows the connections for the sensor for the following:

  1. Output
  2. Ground
  3. Vcc


Components Used:

  • Arudino Uno
  • IR LED (Remote Control)
  • x3 Red LED
  • BreadBoard
  • Wiring Kit
  • x2 220 ohm resistor

The affective distance of the detector and the IR LED was measured to be around 1.85 meters.    The distance was determined by using a remote control that has a IR LED emitter that was aimed at the sensor.  We had a red LED to detect when the IR sensor gets hit by the remote control.  The laser tag game will have a rule for the first 3 hits will declare the winner (figure seen below).

Tae pic




  1. http://www.vishay.com/docs/82474/tssp4p38.pdf
  2. http://www.instructables.com/id/IR-Detector/