Spring 2016 3DOT Goliath, Mission Objective Update
By: Tae Min Lee (System)
Mission objective also known as Con Ops was needed to set the rules for the laser tag game. Both systems engineer from the SpiderBot (Chris Hirunthanakorn) and the Goliath (Tae Min Lee) discussed and finalized the rules for the laser tag game. The list of rules that are listed below will allow us to have a clean and fair match.
Con Ops:
- The game will last for three rounds. One round ends when a robot is hit three times and is disabled. This may last up to 10 or 15 minutes.
- A robot is considered disabled if it is unresponsive to commands for 10 seconds after the final tag.
- At the end of one round, both robots will return to their starting positions.
- The game will take place in a 6 ft x 6ft area on the linoleum floor of ECS 315. If any robot leaves the designated area, they are not allowed to attempt to tag the other robot and must re-enter the game area.
- An Infrared LED emitter and Infrared detector will be used as the tagging system.
- The maximum distance for detecting a direct hit will be 5 ft. This means the IR emitter is hitting the detector in a straight line from 5 ft away. Whatever voltage is outputted by the detector will be the minimum threshold for defining a hit. (need to define that voltage here once we figure it out)
- Collisions between the two robots is not allowed. If a collision does occur, the robot that caused it will take a penalty hit. Once the penalty hit is taken, the robots move back to their starting positions.
- A buzzer will make a noise to indicate when the robot is tagged and when it is disabled.
- When a robot is tagged, it will make a sound and it will be deactivated for the next 5 seconds. This will allow the robot to move out of the way and not cause multiple tags at once.