Goliath Fall 2017

Preliminary Project Plan

Mark Huffman (Project Manager)
Vanessa Enriquez (Manufacturing Engineer)
John Ocampo (Electronics and Controls Engineer)
Nornubari Kanabolo (Missions and Systems Engineer)

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

By Mark Huffman (Project Manager)

This is the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for this project. The diagram breaks the tasks among each of the three engineering areas. Then further lists specific tasks for each part of the project. In this way, the document shows clearly what each person’s responsibilities are. These assignments were based on the system block diagram created by the Mission systems engineer and the creative exercise. The deeper sub level tasks were created bt the Electronics and Manufacturing engineer respectively. Refer to the PDR for the details for the selection on these subtasks.

Project Schedule

Top Level Schedule

By Mark Huffman (Project Manager)

The main schedule was created using Project Libre, a free open source schedule organizer. The schedule is based heavily off the WBS and is organized in a similar fashion. It is arranged in the best hopes to complete all milestones within the time that the class allows. Items that must be passed to another member will be completed ahead of time. There is some cushion built into the schedule but, there are certain places where less time than was given is recommended.

Right now the end of the schedule gets more unpredictable, as currently without some tasks complete its impossible to know when other ones can start. Mainly referring to finishing the model redesign and the actual testing of all the electrical hardware.

Project Burn down

By Mark Huffman (Project Manager)

The project burn down shows a progress over time by showing the idea completion status vs. the current status. The red line represents the actual completion and the blue line is the ideal completion. I predict that the actual line will dip below the ideal in about 3 weeks when lots of tasks will be due. Also, the graph started off nearly flat for two weeks because only unassigned research was attempted, so there were no scheduled tasks.

System Resource Reports

Mass Report

By Nornubari Kanabolo (Missions and Systems Engineer)

This is the mass report. There currently is a lot of contingency because lots of the sensors and prototyping parts have unlisted masses that will be weighed when eventually used.

Power Report

By Nornubari Kanabolo (Missions and Systems Engineer)

This is the draft of the power overview. The known hard limits are known and the general operating modes of all sensors and motors is expected. The actual in use limits and usage will be determined when possible.

Cost Report

By Nornubari Kanabolo (Missions and Systems Engineer)

The cost report was built off of previous groups and the current prices of the sensors and components needed. There is some built-in contingency allowing for extra PCB parts if needed and for price changes. Also, the contingency allows shipping prices to change or become a part of the purchasing factor.

Project Cost Estimate

Budget Report

By Mark Huffman (Project Manager)

The same report shown by the Mission Systems engineer shows that the estimated project cost is: $298.25 with a margin of $46.31. Under the total budget of $350.