Micro BiPed Introduction

Mission Objective:

The project mission is inspired by the BiPed designed by Jonathan Dowdall of Project Biped, completed in previous semesters of EE 400D. The goal is to scale down the BiPed design by changing standard servos to micro servos to yield the μBiPed, which will result in design changes to the robot. The robot must be able to communicate and be controlled by the Axterra™ application. The final deliverable of this project is to have the µBiPed maneuver through an obstacle course, while being able to resist outside disturbances.  The course may include multiple surfaces, an incline, and an obstacle avoidance portion; however, the challenges in the obstacle course may change.

Mission Profile:

The μBiPed must complete an obstacle course on a figure 8 track in ~ 7 minutes. The obstacle course will require the μBiPed to cross over a threshold, at approximately a 45° angle and a 2 cm height. From there the μBiPed must ascend an incline that is initially an 8° slope which then decreases to a 6° slope. Half way through the course the μBiPed must then start its descent down the incline towards the threshold again crossing over it at about a 45° angle proceeding towards its start position until an object (i.e. a wall) causes the μBiPed modify its path. Additionally the μBiPed must be able to withstand external disturbances. Finally the μBiPed must be able to traverse multiple types of surfaces which will include carpet, linoleum tile, and metal. All of this must be completed while using the Arxterra™ interface as per requirements. It has also been specified that microServos must be used.


*The above diagram was created in AUTOCAD™ 2014.

*Measurements were provided by the microSegway group, and confirmed by the microBiPed group.