Goliath Fall 2017 Verification and Test

Written by Nornubari Kanabolo MST DM

Table of Contents

Verification and Testing

In order to verify and test the Goliath, the requirements needed to be updated. Updated requirements can be found in this blog post. Goliath testing is complete for the most part, but some tests still need to be done before 2pm on December 13th, 2017. The verification and tests that have been/will be done can be seen below in the following test cases from the Verification and Validation document.

Test Cases

TC-01: Goliath move forward

Description: The Goliath will use overwritten MOVE commands uploaded to the 3DoT board in order to move forward.

Test Environment: Occurs inside, on a flat surface with 0% grade

TC-02: Turn Direction

Description: Display turn direction on the LED array.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-03: Assembly and Disassembly

Description: Assemble and disassemble the Goliath within a specified amount of time.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-04: 3D printing

Description: Print 3D models in less than 6 hours, and no part takes longer than 2.

Test Environment: In room that has an accessible 3D printer

TC-05: Goliath dimensions

Description: Measure the dimensions of the newly designed and assembled Goliath.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-06: Arxterra Control Panel

Description: Control the newly designed and assembled Goliath using the Arxterra Control Panel.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-07: Charging Goliath

Description: Testing the ease of access of the charging port.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-08: Battery Life

Description: Running the Goliath motors continuously for 1 hour.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-09: Weighing Goliath

Description: Placing the fully assembled newly designed Goliath on a weighing scale.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-10: Measuring Goliath Voltage and Current

Description: Measuring the voltage of the sensor header and finding the current rating.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-11: Detecting objects

Description: Detecting objects within a specified range.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom