
3DoT ScrewDriver Mission Profile

Author: Saba Theodory (Electronics and control)

Table of Contents


This page will be describing the mission objectives of the ScrewDriver as well as providing details of the course location and distance. The mission success criteria will be traversing the course completely while being controlled via the Bluetooth mobile ArxRobot application.

The Mission

The mission course will be an off-road course that is on campus near the CPI building and the traffic circle. The course will include soil, branches, small rocks, twigs, uphill climbs and downhill descents. The general area of that part of campus is illustrated below through a google earth screenshot.

Figure 1: A google earth screenshot of the traffic circle area on the CSULB campus showing an extensive view of the mission location.

Figure 2: A google earth screenshot of the course shown in detail. The total distance of the course is shown as well.

The course will be to the left of the American Language Institute as portrayed in the image. A detailed view of the course is shown below.

Figure 3: The course shown up close.

The image above shows the type of environment that the mission will take place at. The course will be in this area where the terrain is made up of leaves, soil and various other small objects such as twigs and rocks. Such an area would allow the robot to move relatively well since the leaves on the ground could be displaced to propel the robot parallel to the axis of rotation of the screws.

The course will be 66.64 m in length and will start from the upper part of the course go downhill and end in the same spot after passing through many obstacles such as rocks, branches and twigs.

Mission Objectives

The mission objectives of the ScrewDriver are:

  • Design and 3D print a robot that is driven by screws instead of wheels with easy to follow directions on assembling and reassembling it.
  • The robot is controlled wirelessly through the user-friendly ArxRobot Bluetooth mobile app.
  • Create a robot that is capable of traversing rough terrain.
  • The robot size does not exceed the size of the 3DoT board and the motors.
  • Design a unique looking yet attractive robot.

Mission Constraints

As per the customer’s expectations, there are some constraints that need to be fulfilled:

  • The robot will use the 3DoT board to interface with the motors and the ArxRobot application.
  • The material for the 3D printed final robot will be ABS to prevent melting or deforming under heat.
  • All moving parts will use bearings.
  • The robot will “look cool” because of its cupola and screw wheels.
  • All wire connections will be soldered and then heat shrunk.
  • All mechanical connections will be secure and not wobbly.
  • Shipping will be kept at a bare minimum when ordering parts.
  • The dimensions of the robot will not exceed the size of the 3DoT board and the motors to minimize print time and price.
  • The USB port to the 3DoT board will be easily accessible without having to open the chassis.
  • The robot shall be able to operate for the duration of the mission (estimated 8.15 minutes) with a safety factor of 13.5x since the batteries can keep the robot running for an estimated 1.84 hours.
  • The 3DoT board and motors will be powered by the 3.6V RCR123A battery.