3DoT v4.54 ModWheels Implementation
By: Matt Shellhammer (Electronics & Control Engineer)
Approved by: Lucas Gutierrez (Project Manager)
ModWheels was given a 3DoT v4.54 board and we have attempted to do testing on this board to begin developing software and custom commands for the robot. When attempting to upload the 3DoT basic example from my computer and interface to the 3DoT v4.54 board through the Arxterra app to move the motors there appeared to be no functionality.
After meeting with Chris to troubleshoot the issues I was able to upload code that moves the motors without interfacing through the Arxterra app. I still have not been able to upload software to the 3DoT board that will interface through the Arxterra app to move the motors.
I will now be going through the 3DoT training document section 12 ‐ Arxterra Bluetooth Wireless Communication and running tests following through this document to diagnose the current issues. Once I have determined the leading issue and I am able to interface the 3DoT board through the Arxterra app I will upload an updated blog post explaining the process and the problems solve/encountered.