Join the Team

Arxterra is actively seeking strategic partners, makers, and volunteers to get this community of the ground. Building the first robotic society will take the creativity and skills of all types of professions and ideas. To see how you can get involved, contact us or visit our kickstarter page.

Strategic Partners

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Here at Arxterra, we are all Makers and want the maker community to be the backbone of Arxterra Parks. Our point design will be an open source design which we are hoping will be modified and improved by the maker community. We also would like to hear what you would like to see us provide at our parks and how we can further enrich the telerobotic experience. Our blog will announce future missions and take your input in every facet of design and implementation.



As Arxterra Parks gets off the ground, we will be actively seeking engineers, programmers, interns, and technicians to work the camps and develop software and hardware. Positions will be updated as needed.

Social Media
