Goliath Spring 2018 – System Schematics

Written by Milton Ramirez (E&C PCB Engineer)

Verified by Ernie Trujillo (Project Manager)

Approved by Miguel Garcia (Quality Assurance)

Table of Contents


These are the schematics from the multiple PCB boards that were designed for the Goliath. The PCB schematics consisted of a gyro shield, a UV shield, and the final design which combined the previous two designs.


Figure 1. Gyro Shield Schematic

This schematic is an exact copy of the ITG-2200 breakout board schematic. The only difference is the two 8 pin connectors. This was done so that it can go mounted on top of the 3dot board. The gyro connects to the SDA and SCL pins in the connectors.

Figure 2. UV Sensor Shield Schematic

This schematic has a 6 pin connector that the I2C expander connects through the SDA And SCL pins. The first UV sensor is connected to the SCA0 and SCL0 pins in the I2C expander, and for the other UV sensor, the SDA, SCL, SDA1, SCL1, SDA0, and SCL0 pins have pull-up resistors. Finally, there is one LED to find the UV sensors to read the lines in the maze.

Figure 3. Final PCB Schematic

Figure 4. Close-up of the left side of the schematic for the final PCB.

Figure 5. Close-up of the right side of the schematic for the final PCB.


In the end, we scrapped the last two designs and combined them into one PCB. This PCB connects SDA and SCL to the I2C expander and the gyro sensor.  This time we added connectors on the board for range-finder which also connects to SDA and SCL pins. Since all three of these are connected to the same SDA and SCL, there is only one pair of pull up resistor for all three parts. This pull-up resistor was also replaced with a resistor array. The I2C expander was changed from 8 addresses to 2 addresses since we only need two for the UV sensors. The gyro lost the jumper, which was designed just in case we needed to connect an external clock. Two LEDs were added since it makes it easier for the UV sensors to read the line if each sensor has its own LED.


  1. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11977
  2. https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/nxp-usa-inc/PCA9540BD118/568-1844-1-ND/789976
  3. https://www.adafruit.com/product/1981
  4. https://www.adafruit.com/product/2717?gclid=CjwKCAjwlcXXBRBhEiwApfHGTd0vBvwKsP8KS7RMRyuV4j720AR6SxzWgmhaRgt9JazlS-hEpLF4HhoCSbQQAvD_BwE