Spring 2016 A-TeChToP Updated Level 1 and 2 Requirements
By: Cody Dunn (Project Manager)
Omar Rojas (Systems Engineer, Central Sensor Suite)
Robin Yancey (Systems Engineer, Seizure Watch)
The A-TeChToP project was ultimately split into two different projects for manageability. Therefore, it was important to create requirements for both the Central Sensor Suite and the Seizure Watch. The Level 1 and Level 2 requirements are outlined in this post.
Table of Contents
Central Sensor Suite
Level One Requirements
By Cody Dunn (Project Manager)
- The wearable body network must be completed by May 9, 2016, the last scheduled day for EE400D demonstrations in the CSULB Spring 2016 Semester [1].
- The cost must be limited to $400 [1].
- The complete body network shall meet ASTM F 963-11 safety requirements [2].
- The body area network shall be functional for transferring biometric information for a child between the heights of 1.005 meters and 1.77 meters (4th percentile for a 5 year old and 96th percentile height for a 13 year old, respectively) [1] [3].
- “From a full charge, energy allocation and source must provide at least 30.2 minutes of continuous monitoring and data transfer as according to the Center for Public Education’s polled average amount of time allocated to play in public schools” [1] [4].
- Guardians and doctors shall have the ability to monitor a child’s biological signals wirelessly in real-time using the Arxterra control panel [1].
- The device shall not hinder the child from completing the California FITNESSGRAM [5].
- The body network shall measure blood oxygen levels with the stability and accuracy to flag for asthma exacerbation [6].
- The sensor suite shall measure the body temperature to determine when a fever has occurred [7].
- Body orientation for the child must distinguish when the child has fallen due to illness from when he/she is upright [8].
- The device shall measure the QRS complex, P wave, and T wave of heart signals with high enough resolution to detect arrhythmias such as supraventricular tachycardia and premature atrial contraction [9] [10].
- Those monitoring the Arxterra Control Panel shall be alerted when one of the child’s biological signals has dropped into a dangerous range [1].
- The central portion of the device shall be no larger in dimension than the length, width, and height of an iPhone 6 (1 x 67 x 6.9 mm or 5.44 x 2.64 x 0.27 in) [12].
[1] R. Goss. (2015, Apr. 1). A-TeChToP Project Requirements [Online]. Available: http://arxterra.com/atechtop-project-requirements/ [2] United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. (2011). ASTM F 963-11 Requirements [Online]. Available: http://www.cpsc.gov/en/Business–Manufacturing/Business-Education/Toy-Safety/ASTM-F-963-11-Chart/ [3] Baylor College of Medicine. (2010). Age-Based Pediatric Growth Reference Charts [Online]. Available: https://www.bcm.edu/bodycomplab/Flashapps/bmiVAgeChartpage.html [4] Barthe, Patte. “Time Out: Is Recess in Danger?” Center for Public Education. Center for Public Education, 6 Aug. 2008. Web. 19 Feb. 2015. [5] California Department of Education. (2016). Physical Fitness Testing [Online]. Available: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/pf/ [6] G. Parreno. (2014, Nov. 19). Blood Oxygen [Online]. Available: https://www.arxterra.com/blood-oxygen/ [7] H. Medina. (2014, Nov. 19). Temperature [Online]. Available: https://www.arxterra.com/temperature/ [8] G. Parreno. (2014, Nov. 19). Body Orientation [Online]. Available: https://www.arxterra.com/body-orientation/ [9] American Heart Association. (2015, Oct. 26). Types of Arrhythmia in Children [Online]. Available: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/Arrhythmia/AboutArrhythmia/Types-of-Arrhythmia-in-Children_UCM_302023_Article.jsp#.VsQspvIrKUk [10] J. Crimando. (1999). EKG Arrhythmia Review [Online]. Available: http://www.gwc.maricopa.edu/class/bio202/cyberheart/ekgqzr0.htm [11] Galen Carol Audio. (2007). Decibel (Loudness) Comparison Chart [Online]. Available: http://www.gcaudio.com/resources/howtos/loudness.html [12] GSMArena. (2016). Apple iPhone 6 [Online]. Available: http://www.gsmarena.com/apple_iphone_6-6378.phpLevel Two Requirements
By: Omar Rojas (Systems Engineer)
- Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.1 standard will be used as the wireless method of communication between the Arduino and Android phone due to its simplicity interacting with both the Android phone and the Arduino platform. [1]
- Android phone and Bluetooth device will not exceed SAR regulation of 1.6W/kg as stated by the FCC [2]
- Transmission of specified signals through Bluetooth to Android phone and from Android phone to Arxterra control center shall have an appropriate delay of no more than 6 seconds. The pulse sensors and ECG cannot have a delay larger than 2 seconds. [3]
- The sensors, sensor suite, and android phone shall withstand forces (such as a child falling) of at least 20 Newtons. [4]
- Electrical components shall qualify as level two water resistance which is defined as “allows for contact with water such as washing hands or light rain.” [5]
- To avoid harming the child, device will not reach a temperature greater than 113°F. [6]
- The wearable device will avoid using materials that can lead to skin irritants caused by an allergic reaction [7]
- The wearable device will avoid using any material that are known to be flammable[8]
- The wearable device will have adjustable straps to accommodate children of different sizes.
- The wearable device will have the Arduino Pro Mini as the microcontroller
- The wearable device will have an integrated PCB
- The final product of the wearable device will have all of the sensors (ECG, temperature, oximeter, pulse sensor, and accelerometer) connected to the PCB
- The final product will have proper wire management to as in no loose wires except for the wires that connect to the ear to take readings.
- The wearable device shall have no sharp points on the case or straps.
[1] Standards.ieee.org, “IEEE SA – 802.15.1-2002 – IEEE Standard for Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems – LAN/MAN – Specific Requirements – Part 15: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)”, 2016. [Online]. Available: https://standards.ieee.org/findstds/standard/802.15.1-2002.html. [Accessed: 23- Feb- 2016].
[2] Fcc.gov, “Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for Cellular Telephones | Federal Communications Commission”, 2016. [Online]. Available: https://www.fcc.gov/general/specific-absorption-rate-sar-cellular-telephones. [Accessed: 23- Feb- 2016].
[3] InformationWeek, “FDA Issues Guidelines On Wireless Medical Devices – InformationWeek”, 2016. [Online]. Available: http://www.informationweek.com/mobile/fda-issues-guidelines-on-wireless-medical-devices/d/d-id/1111203?. [Accessed: 23- Feb- 2016].
[4] Hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu, “Energy of falling object”, 2016. [Online]. Available: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/flobi.html. [Accessed: 23- Feb- 2016].
[5] Prestigetime.com, “Watch Water Resistance information for watches from PrestigeTime.com !”, 2016. [Online]. Available: https://www.prestigetime.com/page.php?water-resistance. [Accessed: 23- Feb- 2016].
[6] Prothermographer.com, “How Hot”, 2016. [Online]. Available: http://www.prothermographer.com/how_hot.htm. [Accessed: 23- Feb- 2016].
[7] ACAAI, “Skin Allergy”, 2016. [Online]. Available: http://acaai.org/allergies/types/skin-allergies. [Accessed: 23- Feb- 2016].
[8] HealthyChildren.org, “Keeping Safe from Burns”. [Online] Available: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/all-around/Pages/Keeping-Safe-From-Burns.aspx [Accessed May-2-2016].
Seizure Watch
Level One Requirements
By Cody Dunn (Project Manager)
- The wearable body network must be completed by May 9, 2016, the last scheduled day for EE400D demonstrations in the CSULB Spring 2016 Semester [1].
- The cost must be limited to $300 [1].
- The completed watch shall meet ASTM F 963-11 safety requirements [2].
- The body area network shall be functional for transferring biometric information for a child between the heights of 1.005 meters and 1.77 meters (4th percentile for a 5 year old and 96th percentile height for a 13 year old, respectively) [1] [3].
- “From a full charge, energy allocation and source must provide at least 30.2 minutes of continuous monitoring and data transfer as according to the Center for Public Education’s polled average amount of time allocated to play in public schools” [1] [4].
- Guardians and doctors shall have the ability to monitor a child’s biological signals wirelessly in real-time using the Arxterra control panel [1].
- The device shall not hinder the child from completing the California FITNESSGRAM [5].
- The device shall accurately measure electrodermal activity such that the detection of tonic-clonic seizures will match that of a traditional electroencephalogram [6].
- Wrist acceleration measurements for the child must correlate to that of the EDA sensor to distinguish when the child is experiencing a tonic-clonic seizure [6].
- Those monitoring the Arxterra Control Panel shall be alerted when one of the child’s biological signals has dropped into a dangerous range [1].
- The central portion of the device shall be no larger in dimension than the Apple Watch (42 mm × 35.9 mm × 10.5 mm or 65 in × 1.41 in × 0.41 in) [7].
[1] R. Goss. (2015, Apr. 1). A-TeChToP Project Requirements [Online]. Available: http://arxterra.com/atechtop-project-requirements/ [2] United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. (2011). ASTM F 963-11 Requirements [Online]. Available: http://www.cpsc.gov/en/Business–Manufacturing/Business-Education/Toy-Safety/ASTM-F-963-11-Chart/ [3] Baylor College of Medicine. (2010). Age-Based Pediatric Growth Reference Charts [Online]. Available: https://www.bcm.edu/bodycomplab/Flashapps/bmiVAgeChartpage.html [4] Barthe, Patte. “Time Out: Is Recess in Danger?” Center for Public Education. Center for Public Education, 6 Aug. 2008. Web. 19 Feb. 2015. [5] California Department of Education. (2016). Physical Fitness Testing [Online]. Available: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/pf/ [6] R. Picard. (2012). EPIBAND: Electrodermal and Seizure Event Alert [Online]. Available: http://www.epilepsy.com/sites/core/files/atoms/files/ST-5-Picard.pdf [7] Apple. (2016). Apple Watch [Online]. Available: http://www.apple.com/watch/Level Two Requirements
By: Robin Yancey (Systems Engineer)