Sasha’s Under Construction

By Mustafa Alkhulaitit, Project Manager

While waiting for the frame to be cut and ready for installation, our group has taken a step to save time and minimize any delay due to certain circumstances. The first upgrade that the advanced 3D printer team started working on was the LCD controller. We thought this upgrade was going to be the easiest; unfortunately, it took quite a while to get the LCD controller to work. There were multiple issues that we had to fix before the LCD controller got to work. The issues were mainly regarding the firmware and software updates/installation. Details regarding the issues we encountered will follow in a separate blog. Also, the solutions to those issues will be available along with the way our 3D modeler used in order to fix them.


Fig.1: The LCD controller before it worked.

 The LCD controller, as mentioned on a previous blog, offers some nice features such as controlling the axis, temperatures, and the heated bed. Almost every aspect of the 3D printer can now be controlled via the LCD controller. The g-code can also be uploaded on a SD card to free print without using a PC. This means we’ll have to consider the possibility of error prints and find away to stop the printer remotely.





Figures 2 and 3 show the LCD controller after it worked.