Electronic Components BOM and Order: Goliath

Written By: Muhannad Al Mohamed (Electronics & Control Division Manager)


Goliath’s project uses electronic components listed in the figure below. However, an update should be made to this list in regards to the color sensing components. Since we will be using BH1745NUC IC in sensing color, the Adafruit TCS340725 should be changed along with the components of the generic color sensor. As seen on the list, some parts have been acquired by the project’s members; however, the rest should be ordered. The pricing also should be provided in order to sort all parts needed and their cost.

Update: 11/19/2017

The list for Goliath is mostly the same as listed above. However, there was one part that was added to it which is the LED Matrix (KWM-20882XWB-Y). The parts of the project are ordered and are expected to arrive the weak after Fall Break. The parts used in making the Color Sensor Shield are included as well.

Goliath ordered parts

Color Sensor Shield parts

Written By: Muhannad Al Mohamed E&C DM