Spring 2018 AT-ST Product Breakdown Structure (PBS)

By: Joseph Cho (Mission, Systems, and Testing)

Verified By: Initiser Kabir (Project Manager)

Approved By: Miguel Garcia (Quality Assurance)



The product breakdown structure below visually presents the products that will be created based on the assignments. The product breakdown structure should reflect the work breakdown structure created beforehand.

Figure 1: AT-ST Product Breakdown Structure


The PBS (Product Breakdown Structure) is showing the different productions by each division. E&C (Hardware) division will be making a custom PCB shield for the sensors and gyroscope. E&C (software) division will be programming codes for movement and sensory data. Manufacturing division will be prototyping models for the body and legs of AT-ST. MST division will be customizing Arxterra control panel to have suitable commands and telemetry for AT-ST.


  1. https://www.arxterra.com/fall-2017-velociraptor-preliminary-design-document/