AT-ST Verification Test Plan
By: Joseph Cho (Mission, Systems, and Testing)
Verified By: Intiser Kabir (Project Manager)
Approved By: Miguel Garcia (Quality Assurance)
Table of Contents
Verification test plan is used to verify our L1 and L2 requirements through analysis, inspection, demonstration, and/or testing. The L1 and L2 requirements are listed in the spreadsheet below. The test plans will be generated from the spreadsheet. Few of L1 and L2 requirements have been reworded by MST.
Please be noted:
GL1 is General Level 1 requirement;
SL1 is Specific Level 1 requirement;
SL2 is Specific Level 2 requirement.
Verification Matrix

Figure 1: Verification Matrix
Figure 3: Verification Matrix continued.Description:
This matrix contains all of the verification needed for the AT-ST. Each test cases are differently colored. Test Case 1 is green, Test Case 2 is blue, Test Case 3 is yellow, and Test Case 4 is red.
Test Cases
TC-01: General Inspection
Description: Verify all of AT-ST inspections..
Test Environment: Indoors on a level surface. Preferred to be inside ECS 316.
TC-02: Maze Demonstration
Description: Verify all requirements for the hedge maze.
Test Environment: Indoors on a level surface. Preferred to be inside ECS 316.
TC-03: ArxTerra App. Demonstration
Description: Verify all requirements for ArxTerra App. Demonstration
Test Environment: Indoors on a level surface. Preferred to be inside ECS 316.
TC-04: Mechanical Testing
Description: Test all mechanical requirements of AT-ST
Test Environment: Indoors on a level surface. Preferred to be inside ECS 316.
The test cases above is a list of test cases that will be done in order to test the level one and level two requirements of AT-ST. All these tests will be done as the project progresses and additional test cases may be added in the near future.
Goliath Fall 2017 Verification and validation test plans:
Goliath Verification and validation matrix:
AT-ST Verification and validation matrix:
AT-ST L1 and L2 requirements: