Entries by A-TeChToP

Spring 2016 A-TechTop Seizure Watch Subgroup Solution for Decreasing Size

By Marena William (Manufacturing Engineer) Introduction After the group was debriefed on the Critical Design Review (CDR), we realized that our housing dimensions (maximum dimensions) need to be changed. Throughout the course of the semester our goal was to have a fully functional seizure watch however after the PCB layout was done this goal seemed […]

Spring 2016 A-TeChToP Seizure Watch SAMB11 Bluetooth Connection

By Robin Yancey (Systems Engineer) Introduction In order to meet the communication requirements for the ATeChToP device, such as requirement 11 to use BLE v4.1 protocol, the flash memory had to be programmed to meet the services and characteristic properties of the HM-10 module that Arxterra was scanning for. The following PowerPoint presentation introduces the layers of the […]