Entries by Christopherandelin

Spring 2016 RoFi: Torque Report

Christopher Andelin (Project Manager) Mario Ramirez (Systems Engineer) Qui Du (Manufacturing Engineer) Andrew Laqui (Electronics and Controls Engineer) Henry Ruff (Electronics and Controls Engineer) Torque Report Mario Ramirez (Systems Engineer) Method Image below is used for the purpose of identifying the servo location.  This photo does not necessarily represent our group’s final product.   Torque […]

Spring 2016 RoFi: Mechanical Design Rev.1

Christopher Andelin (Project Manager) Mario Ramirez (Systems Engineer) Qui Du (Manufacturing Engineer) Andrew Laqui (Electronics and Controls Engineer) Henry Ruff (Electronics and Controls Engineer) Table of Contents Mechanical Design Qui Du (Manufacturing Engineer) Objectives for this Design RoFi is the fifth prototype from Project Biped. It has twelve degrees of freedom and can walk around […]

Spring 2016 RoFi: Ultrasonic Sensor Testing

Christopher Andelin (Project Manager) Mario Ramirez (Systems Engineer) Qui Du (Manufacturing Engineer) Andrew Laqui (Electronics and Controls Engineer) Henry Ruff (Electronics and Controls Engineer) Testing Ultrasonic Sensor Andrew Laqui (Electronics and Controls Engineer) The Ultrasonic Sensor that was on the old RoFia project was the model SEN136B5B. Their testing can be found on this link […]

Spring 2016 RoFi: Preliminary Project Plan

Christopher Andelin (Project Manager) Mario Ramirez (Systems Engineer) Qui Du (Manufacturing Engineer) Andrew Laqui (Electronics and Controls Engineer) Henry Ruff (Electronics and Controls Engineer) Table of Contents Work Breakdown Structure Christopher Andelin (Project Manager) This chart shows the responsibilities of each member. For easier viewing, image can be downloaded by left clicking on the image, […]

Spring 2016 RoFi: Preliminary Design Documentation

Christopher Andelin (Project Manager) Mario Ramirez (Systems Engineer) Qui Du (Manufacturing Engineer) Andrew Laqui (Electronics and Controls Engineer) Henry Ruff (Electronics and Controls Engineer)   Table of Contents Program Objectives The objective of Project RoFi’s is to design and implement a compact biped robot based on the original RoFi design by Jonathan Dowdall as described […]

Spring 2016 RoFi: Research Projects and Creative Exercise

Christopher Andelin (Project Manager) Mario Ramirez (Systems Engineer) Qui Du (Manufacturing Engineer) Andrew Laqui (Electronics and Controls Engineer) Henry Ruff (Electronics and Controls Engineer) Table of Contents Project Manager Research Christopher Andelin (Project Manager) Source Material Project Biped, Overview; http://www.projectbiped.com/prototypes/rofi Micro BiPed Introduction, Mission Objective and Mission Profile; http://arxterra.com/micro-biped-intoduction/ Micro BiPed Requirements; http://arxterra.com/requirements/ Micro BiPed […]