Entries by ijya karki

Fall Biped 2016- Ankle Stress Test

By: Hector Martinez  (Manufacturing Engineer) Approved by: Ijya Karki (Project Manager) Table of Contents Introduction Requirement “Shall be able to turn up to 180 degrees on each of its sides.” In the COM Blog Post , I discussed the leg design inspired by the Theo Jansen Biped (TJB) which uses cleverly designed linkages and shafts to […]

Fall Biped 2016- Schedule and Burndown

By: Ijya Karki (Project Manager) Table of Contents Introduction One of the most important documents that the Project manager produces is the schedule. The schedule will pace how your project will progress. The hardest part about preparing the schedule is to know which tasks to give each member and when to have these tasks completed. Requirement […]

Fall Biped 2016- Project Manager- Managing

Table of Contents By: Ijya Karki (Project Manager) Introduction Project Manager Roles include certain tasks that must be completed, example: Defining WBS Level 1 Requirements Creating / Managing Schedule Creating / Managing Budget Final Project Video/ Documentation There is a split of skills that a good project manager must possess, looking at the above list these […]

Fall 2016 Biped- Building the Game Arena

Table of Contents Building the Game Arena By: Ijya Karki (Project Manager) Introduction As the semester comes to an end, it gets closer to testing the actual product. This is where the profile objective and the mission profile from the CDR is brought to life. The game, Save the Human, is played by four teams (Wednesday […]

Fall 2016 Biped – PCB layout

Table of Contents Designing the PCB By: Hector Martinez (Manufacturing) Approved by: Ijya Karki (Project Manager) Introduction Once the schematic design is complete by E&C engineer, Allen, it is time to design the PCB layout. The PCB layout needs to have a thought out design that will work logically and seamlessly with our project. Since our […]

Fall 2016 Biped – Prototype Process

By: Hector Martinez (Manufacturing) Approved by: Ijya Karki (Project Manager) Table of Contents Intorduction The prototype process should be thought out and well planned. There needs to be a plan that includes a parts list, a schematic, tools list and clean workspace. I had none of these. Having been moved from Prosthetic Arm there was a […]

Fall 2016 Biped – Code/Software Update

By: Alan Valles (Electronics and Control) Approved by: Ijya Karki (Project Manager) Table of Contents Introduction The purpose of this document is to explain the logical flow of the firmware portion of the Biped. Several external libraries will be used in order to control our electromechanical devices with firmware. Analysis The most recent design iteration of […]

Fall 2016 Biped – Updated Schematics

By: Alan Valles (Electronics and Control) Approved by: Ijya Karki (Project Manager) Table of Contents Introduction:                The purpose of this document is to define and go through some of the choices and reasons for component selection of the custom 3dot shield. There are a couple main components that were chosen for the shield, the IMU […]