Entries by refaas0a

Spring 2016 3DOT Goliath, Making Laser Tag Possible: The Receiver

By: Kevin Moran (Electronics and Control Engineer)     In this post I will be discussing my initial selection for the IR receiver and how I began testing its analog output.   Components:   Transistor: SFH 310 (Opto Semiconductor) Resistor: 2M ohm IR light   The phototransistor is a two legged transistor, with its third […]

Spring 2016 3DOT Goliath, Making Laser Tag Possible: The Schmitt Trigger

By: Kevin Moran (Electronics and Control Engineer) Since the analog output of the receiver is very noisy, my division manager suggested I use a Schmitt trigger which has 2 jobs:   It reduces noise from the circuit through hysteresis, the time-based dependence of a system’s output on present and past inputs. It inverts the signal […]

Spring 2016 3DOT Goliath,Assembling and Testing the 3Dot Board

By:  Ayman Aljohani (Project Manager) For our Goliath project we will be using a custom made PCB that contains a microcontroller (known as the 3Dot Board) that will perform various tasks (ex. movement, laser shot, detector).  The physical PCB will be provided for us; however, it is required to solder all the components onto the […]

Spring 2016 3DOT Goliath, How to Create a Custom Command on the Arxterra Application

By:  Tae Min Lee (Mission, Systems, and Testing Engineer) To create a custom command for your project on the Arxterra application we need to click on the gear icon and click on the “Custom Command and Telemetry Configuration” (shown below). Now click on the “+” icon and a pop up menu will appear, now choose […]

Spring 2016 3DOT Goliath, 3D Printing Requirement: “Round One”

By: Rickeisha Brown (Manufacturing Engineer) As a level one requirement, the customer requests to refrain from exceeding a total of 6 hours 3D printing time and not to exceed two hours per printed component. The customer has a project total budget of which ultimately limits the amount of spending power per division. Printing Cost estimates […]