Goliath Spring 2018 – Fritzing Diagram

Written by Milton Ramirez (E&C Engineer)

Verified by Ernie Trujillo (Project Manager)

Approved by Miguel Garcia (Quality Assurance)

Figure 1 – Fritzing Diagram for the Goliath Tank.


  • Pro Micro
  • Motor driver
  • Gyro
  • Range-finder  
  • Multiplexer
  • Bluetooth
  • Color sensor
  • Battery



This a prototype of how we will connect the parts we are going to use, but some of these parts might not make the final design. In this prototype, our processor will be the pro-micro instead of the 3Dot board, since Professor Hill is still working on the 3dot board. Also, for that same reason, we will have to use a Bluetooth circuit for our prototype since the 3dot has Bluetooth implemented in it. We will probably have to use this configuration for most of our testing since we won’t get the 3dot until later in the semester. Also, we have a motor driver to control our motors. We are also using a multiplexer for our sensor, which is a Gyro sensor and a color sensor. Then we also have a range-finder, which this and the color sensor are floating outside on purpose, because the color sensor goes in the bottom of the Goliath. The range-finder will be somewhere in the front. Also, the specific part number is not included since that will also change for the last design.


  1. http://fritzing.org/home/
  2. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12587



Goliath Spring 2018 – Planning and Scheduling

By: Ernie Trujillo (Project Manager)

Approved By: Miguel Garcia (Quality Assurance)

Table of Contents


To achieve mission success for the Goliath Tank, a Gantt Chart was created by the Project Manager; the chart depicts all the pertinent tasks that need to be completed before attempting the mission through the maze. With the Gantt Chart, the Project Manager was able to take the tasks from the Task Matrix and display it in a visual chart that depicts the amount of time that is allotted per task and during what time of the semester this task will be worked on.

Figure 1 – Gantt Chart (1/3), these tasks mainly focus on being prepared for the Preliminary Design Review


Figure 2 – Gantt Chart (2/3), tasks that are pertinent to implementing the hardware to the Goliath.


Figure 3 – Gantt Chart (3/3), tasks that focus on software implementation and final verification of the Goliath.

Broad Layout of Project Schedule

Phase 1 (Research), Weeks 1-5:

  • Look through blog posts from prior semesters on Arxterra website for useful information that the current team can implement.
  • Begin developing level 1 & 2 requirements to meet mission objectives and customer expectations.
  • Begin layout for all tasks required to reach mission success at the end of the 16th

Phase 2 (Preliminary Design Review), Weeks 6 – 8:

  • Achieve a thorough schedule to lay out all tasks required to be complete by the team to bring the project to fruition.
  • Accomplish preliminary tasks: preliminary 3D model, system block diagram, Fritzing diagram, mechanical drawings, resource reports, work and product breakdown structure.

Phase 3 (Rapid Prototyping), Weeks 9 – 12:

  • Design multiple iterations of Goliath Tank to make the final product more efficient.
  • Create a program that will integrate all systems that are in the system block diagram. Also, ensure that the program will have the robot operate in a manner that meets mission objectives.
  • Have E & C Engineer work on creating and finalizing custom PCB.
  • Have MST Engineer work on Arxterra custom command and telemetry (Application side)

Phase 4 (Final Product & Mission Success), Weeks 13 – 16:

  • Finalize Goliath Tank 3D model and ensure that all systems are working properly.
  • Complete Project Video that shows the progression of project and implementation of the Engineering Method.
  • Complete Final Blog Post which displays a comprehensive overview of the Goliath project from start to finish.
  • On the day of the Final, demonstrate that the Goliath can navigate through the maze and meet all the L1 & 2 requirements.


  1. https://www.projectlibre.com/
  2. Task Matrix

Goliath Spring 2018 – System Block Diagram

By: Ryan Nguyen (MST Engineer)

Verified By: Ernie Trujillo (Project Manager)

Approved By: Miguel Garcia (Quality Assurance)

System Block Diagram

Figure 1 – System Block Diagram for the Goliath Tank.

The system block diagram illustrates how components of the Goliath communicate and connect with each other; from the control panel that uses Wi-Fi to talk with the mobile app to the wheels and treads. More detailed specific components such as the HM11 Bluetooth model is added, and various parts on the PCB parts are laid out; more items are expected when the E&C engineer completes trade-off studies. The 3DoT board houses a rechargeable battery that powers the motor driver and the Atmega32U4, which in turn powers the PCB. The number of pins is listed to demonstrate a rough idea of how many pins are required and create a rough layout for the interface matrix.

Goliath Spring 2018 – Preliminary Budget

By: Ernie Trujillo (Project Manager)

Approved By: Miguel Garcia (Quality Assurance)


The customer allotted $200 towards the Goliath Tank project. At this moment, the total expenditure of the project cannot be confirmed as the cost for the PCB and the 3D prints designs are unknown. Also, since the definitions of the maze are not complete at this moment, there is a chance that some sensors will be added to the list while others are removed. About 60% of the budget has been established while the remaining funds will be used for the last few parts that will be needed to complete the Goliath Tank.

Figure 1 – Excel spreadsheet for the components needed for the project.

The spreadsheet provides most of the parts that will be required for mission success. (Will be updated to include all the parts) Included is useful information to the team such as the quantity, cost, and link to the part.

Figure 2 – Totals and general overview of the project budget.


  1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X2e8fMk9zH4d6ugtWx0KzsvcbpDvAjY_uL_h4tcDotE/edit?usp=sharing



Goliath Fall 2017 – Final Blog Post

The goal of this project was to improve on 302 Goliath tank design from the Fall 2016 Class and adapt to a completely different mission goal. The mission was to navigate a 2D paper/cloth maze under remote control and then have the Goliath repeat the route autonomously. For an added challenge an extra version was added that where all bots […]

Goliath Fall 2017 – Final Print Model

Overall the design changes made to improve the ratio were successful, the execution was where I ran into the problems mentioned in a previous post [1]. The added cut outs for the LED display and the i/o port worked as expected. The IR sensor was not used in the mission. An improvement on that cut […]

Goliath Fall 2017 – Final Budget and Expenses

This post is in accordance with the project requirement L1.11, “Budget”. In comparison to both the total expected cost and actual cost column, we could see which resources were supplied, cut, or purchased.A good portion of the components was covered through the use of previous semesters’ components specifically the: motor, 3dot board, and battery. The […]

Goliath Fall 2017 – Goliath Arduino Code & Calibration

The purpose of this post is to link to the final Goliath code and explain the overall structure for future use. Secondly, to explain how the code needs to be updated and calibrated to a particular Goliath chassis. Overall, getting the Goliath code to work for this mission involved the creation of 16 files and over […]

Goliath Fall 2017 Verification and Test

Written by Nornubari Kanabolo MST DM

Table of Contents

Verification and Testing

In order to verify and test the Goliath, the requirements needed to be updated. Updated requirements can be found in this blog post. Goliath testing is complete for the most part, but some tests still need to be done before 2pm on December 13th, 2017. The verification and tests that have been/will be done can be seen below in the following test cases from the Verification and Validation document.

Test Cases

TC-01: Goliath move forward

Description: The Goliath will use overwritten MOVE commands uploaded to the 3DoT board in order to move forward.

Test Environment: Occurs inside, on a flat surface with 0% grade

TC-02: Turn Direction

Description: Display turn direction on the LED array.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-03: Assembly and Disassembly

Description: Assemble and disassemble the Goliath within a specified amount of time.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-04: 3D printing

Description: Print 3D models in less than 6 hours, and no part takes longer than 2.

Test Environment: In room that has an accessible 3D printer

TC-05: Goliath dimensions

Description: Measure the dimensions of the newly designed and assembled Goliath.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-06: Arxterra Control Panel

Description: Control the newly designed and assembled Goliath using the Arxterra Control Panel.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-07: Charging Goliath

Description: Testing the ease of access of the charging port.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-08: Battery Life

Description: Running the Goliath motors continuously for 1 hour.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-09: Weighing Goliath

Description: Placing the fully assembled newly designed Goliath on a weighing scale.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-10: Measuring Goliath Voltage and Current

Description: Measuring the voltage of the sensor header and finding the current rating.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom

TC-11: Detecting objects

Description: Detecting objects within a specified range.

Test Environment: Inside a classroom