S17 Prosthetic Arm: Servo Load Test

This test is done to make sure the servo in the prosthetic arm can handle the weight of the prosthetic hand and any object that it’s holding while still being about to rotate vertically, with the orientation in the direction of the ground.

S17 Prosthetic Hand: Mode Selector Test

The Mode Selector Test is done to check if we can enter different modes using the Flex Sensors that were tested in an earlier blog post to control the movements of the Prosthetic Hand by syncing different types of movements of the hand to different modes that are achieved by syncing the modes to different movements of the flex sensors.

S17 Prosthetic Arm: Battery Discharge Test

This test is done in order to choose the proper battery to use for the prosthetic arm and hand, and then to figure out how much capacity the battery has, and what the voltage rating of the battery is.

S17 Prosthetic Hand: Xbee Communication Test

We completed this test to verify the hook up of the Xbee so we can design a shield for it, as well as getting the Xbee to be able to send and receive data from a wireless source. Ex hand to foot and vice versa.

S17 Prosthetic Hand: Force Sensor Test

The Prosthetic Hand needs feedback in order to control the force of the grasp, therefore we are testing the force sensors to see if they can detect the force difference of the most minuscule item we have to grasp.

S17 Prosthetic Hand: Flex Sensor Test

This experiment was done to test the Flex Sensors that we planned to use to control the grasp of the prosthetic hand. In order to make sure they are a viable option, they need to detect a definite difference between different flexion positions of the customers toes. This test helps us determine that viability.

S17 Preliminary Project Plan: Prosthetic Arm

Preliminary Project Plan, with initial work breakdown structure information, system and subsystem level tasks, and system resource reports and cost reports.

S17 Preliminary Project Plan: Prosthetic Hand

Preliminary Project Plan with initial Work Breakdown Structure, Top Level Schedule, System and Subsystem level tasks, the Burndown, and System Resource Reports and the Cost Report.

S17 Preliminary Design Document: Prosthetic Hand

Preliminary Design Document includes everything from the Project Objectives and Mission Profile to the Design and Unique Tasks Descriptions of the Project

S17 Preliminary Design Document: Prosthetic Arm

Preliminary Design Document includes everything from the Project Objectives and Mission Profile to the Design and Unique Tasks Descriptions of the Project