Spring 2016 Project Summary
/in SPARCCS/by MikhaelBy Mikhael Semaan (Project Manager), whose team includes
Jeremy Seiden (Mission, Systems, and Test),
Chelsea Mediavilla (Electronics and Control), and
Eric Hanna (Design and Manufacturing).
This is our summarizing blog post, walking through the Critical Design Review (CDR) with updates, concluding thoughts, and final resource reports. We designed and manufactured a single printed circuit board (PCB) which integrates a Geiger-Müller tube [1] and CMOS camera [2] for sensing ionizing radiation and single-event upsets (SEUs) [3]. We did this as part of the ongoing CSULB CubeSat Project, which aims to build and demonstrate a working prototype of a CubeSat [4]. Our design is for the payload of the project, and our PCB is designed to fit into Fall 2015’s chassis [5]. This post is based on our Critical Design Review (CDR) presentation [6].
Trade-Off Study: Microcontroller
/in SPARCCS/by MikhaelBy Chelsea Mediavilla (Electronics and Control)
This trade-off study compares the performance and features of two microcontrollers. The cost, power and communicative capabilities of each MCU is considered.
Electronic Design
/in SPARCCS/by MikhaelBy Chelsea Mediavilla (Electronics and Control)
In this post, the electronic design of the final printed circuit board is discussed. The Fritzing Diagram, breadboard prototype and Eagle schematic are summarized.
Electronics and Control: Software Design
/in SPARCCS/by MikhaelBy Chelsea Mediavilla (Electronics and Control)
I discuss the software design for the two main electronics on the CubeSat. The Arduino code controlling both components is explained and provided.
Single Event Upsets
/in SPARCCS/by MikhaelBy Chelsea Mediavilla (Electronic and Control)
This post discusses single event upsets (SEUs) and their effects. The choice in SEU monitor and implementation for the Spring 2016 SPARCCS project is explored.
Verification and Validation
/in SPARCCS/by MikhaelBy Jeremy Seiden (Mission, Systems, and Test)
I review the verification and validation table.
Mission, Systems, and Test: Trade-Off Studies
/in SPARCCS/by MikhaelBy Jeremy Seiden (Mission, Systems, and Test)
This study weighs the benefits and drawbacks of a discrete component based high voltage supply circuit, and an IC based high voltage supply circuit. The purpose of this study was to determine the most radiation hardened high voltage power supply method.
Mission, Systems, and Test: Experiments
/in SPARCCS/by MikhaelBy Jeremy Seiden (Mission, Systems, and Test)
I describe experiments we conducted to verify that the communication system was working properly. Specifically, we tested for and verified that our data was being properly packetized.
Spring 2016 SPARCCS Interface Definitions
/in SPARCCS/by MikhaelBy Jeremy Seiden (Mission, Systems, and Test)
I walk through the interface definitions for the project.