Mission Objective and Level 1 Requirements
By Ayaka Hatori, Project Manager — TEST
Hello and welcome to UFO – AbDucted!
Mission Objectives:
The UFO-AbDucted team is hard at work to create a product that will resemble a UFO from the 1951 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, which is small enough to land in the palm of one’s hand. The UFO will fly for two minutes in an unobstructed field at a height greater than 8 feet while a light show plays for the duration of the flight.
Level 1
1. The UFO will resemble a UFO from the 1951 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Test: The final product will be visually compared against an image of the UFO from the movie to verify likeliness.
2. The UFO will fly at a height of 8 feet or higher for a minimum of two minutes.
Test: The UFO flight height will be measured against a calibrated 8 foot long object and the entire flight time will be video recorded to verity that it has met the minimum flight time requirement.
3. The UFO will be small enough to land safely in the palm of the hand.
Test: The UFO will be held in the hand comfortably without it falling off.
4. The UFO will display a light show for the duration of the flight.
Test: The UFO will have a colorful light show displayed from the bottom of the craft while it is in flight.
5. The UFO will be fully controllable on the x, y, and z axes through interfacing with the Arxterra application on an Android device.
Test: The UFO will receive communication signals from the application via bluetooth and correctly perform the dictated movements.