Northern California Maker Faire Tour!
/in Arxterra, General News, Rosco News/by arxterraWe had a blast at all the Faires. It was Santa Rosa’s first shot at it and the people where great! East Bay Maker Faire was as expected from the people who bring you the larger Bay Area Maker Faire. We couldn’t leave our booths for either event! All in all a good trip. We met a lot of interesting makers and enthusiasts! See you next year!
Rosco Models on Thingiverse
/in Rosco Documentation, Rosco News/by arxterraModels for Rosco have been published on thingiverse and are waiting to be printed and built! Download Rosco today and start building your own telepresence robot tomorrow!
Arxterra Minimaker Faire Tour 2013
/in General News, Rosco News/by arxterra
Good News Northern California! Arxterra is packing up Rosco and taking the show on the road in October for two special events near you.
First off is the Santa Rosa MiniMaker Faire on October 19th at the Wells Fargo Center for the Arts in Santa Rosa. This event is being held in conjunction with the Santa Rosa Fall festival at the same location! This is a great
opportunity for the maker community to reach out to those interested in DIY projects who aren’t familiar with maker Faires! Rosco will have to be on his best behavior!
Next we’re off to the East Bay MiniMaker Faire in Oakland, Ca, on October 20th at the Park Day School and District Art Center in the Temescal District. We look forward to an interesting weekend meeting makers and exchanging ideas! This Faire has been in planning for a while now and we’re looking forward the to checking out the Bay Area Scene!
Discounted tickets for the Faires are available from their respective web sites. Both events should be a great time and if you’re in the area, stop by our booth and say hello! Better yet, get your own telepresent robot up and running on our server so you can be featured at the Faires!
Contact for details. Hope to see you there!
OC Interactive Meetup
/in Arduino, Rosco News/by arxterraArxterra was on hand at the OC Interactive Group giving a presentation on Arduino Flash Based Control! Of course Rosco was on hand for a quick demo! Thanks to our own Jeff Gomes for setting everything up.
More info on OC Interactive can be found at:
Rosco b1.0v Documentation
/in Rosco Documentation, Rosco News/by arxterraHere’s a preview of the Rosco b1.0v Documentation. This is still a work in progress but a good place to start getting some details on the project. 3d models will be posted soon!!!!
Also here’s a helpful spreadsheet (Bill of Materials) with links to vendors
Arduino Enthusiast Meeting
/in Arduino, General News, Rosco News/by arxterraRosco and Pathfinder were on display at the monthly LA Arduino Enthusiast Meeting. Great turnout and interesting people from all backgrounds. If you’re in the area and love Arduino, a great meeting to check out! People of all ages and backgrounds!

Dancing Follower Robots
For more information on LA Arduino Enthusiasts go to: