Configuring Laser Cutter for Power Up
Written By: Lucas Gutierrez (Project Manager for ModWheels) & Charles Banuelos (Design & Manufacturing Division Manager)
Worked On By: Charles Banuelos (Design & Manufacturing Division Manager) & Lucas Gutierrez (Project Manager for ModWheels)
Table of Contents
After verification of components, assembly of the laser cutter can begin. For instructions on verifying received components and additional materials needed for optimized use, please refer to “Muse Laser cutter Parts Verification & Additional Purchase of Materials” blog post linked below.
Configuring Subsystems
To connect the subsystems to the laser cutter, we referred to the Muse Quickstart Guide, Muse Laser Cutting Manual, and Muse Unbox & Setup Video. To configure the water cooler, we referred to the water cooler manual. Links can be found below, which is followed by a summary of the configuration that was performed.
Air Filter
After verifying all air filter parts have been received and have no damage, assembly can begin. Connect the included power cable into the slot assigned to Exhaust Fan Power Outlet located on the back of the Muse laser cutter. Then connect the ducting from Exhaust Flange (located on the back of the Muse laser cutter) to the intake of air filter using the included ducting clamps.
Air Pump
After verifying all air pump parts have been received and have no damage, assembly can begin. Connect the attached power cable into the slot assigned to Air Compressor Power Outlet located on the back of the Muse laser cutter. Then connect the air hose from Air Inlet (located on the back of the Muse laser cutter) to the output of air pump using the included air nozzle adapter.
Water Cooler
After verifying all water cooler parts have been received and have no damage, assembly can begin. Before connecting power to the water cooler, an initial rinse of the water tank helps to ensure no contaminants are within the water loop. To rinse the internal water storage tank, unscrew the top water tank cap and partially fill the tank with a cup of distilled water. Rotate and gently shake the water cooler to make sure the entire tank has been internally rinsed. In a safe and proper area, unscrew the water drain outlet (located on the bottom backside of the water cooler). Once all the water has been drained, replace the water drain outlet. Once the rinse is completed, fill the internal water storage tank until the specified fill line (see user manual). After screwing on the top water tank cap, connect the included power cable into a power strip. Then connect the water hose from Water Inlet (located on the back of the Muse laser cutter) to the Water Outlet of water cooler using the 1/2″ hose clamps to ensure a proper fit. Separately connect the water hose from Water Outlet (located on the back of the Muse laser cutter) to the Water Inlet of water cooler using the 1/2″ hose clamps to ensure a proper fit.
Initial System and Subsystems Power-up
Once all parts have been correctly assembled, plug in the Muse laser cutter with the included power cable into a power strip. To start the power-up process, power on the water cooler and ensure no water leaks from the water cooler and the Muse laser cutter. Then, turn on the Muse laser cutter by moving the power switch (located on the back of the Muse laser cutter). After the Muse power-on calibration is complete, use the touch-screen to navigate to the settings of the laser cutter. Once in the settings menu, select the laser tab. Once in the laser tab within the settings menu, enable the air pump and exhaust fan. Verify that the air pump is working and that the air filter is powered on properly. This concludes the initial system and subsystems power-up.
Fall 2017:
After an verification of components, on Friday (11/03/2017) at 10 am, an initial configuration of the subsystems and the laser cutter was done.
Configuring Subsystems
Air Filter
After materials verification, we connected the power to the laser’s dedicated power source for the air filter. Later, the ducting for the air filter was installed on the air filter itself and the laser cutter’s exhaust port.
Air Pump
After materials verification, we connected the power to the laser’s dedicated power source for the air pump. Later, the air hose for the air pump was installed on the air pump itself and the laser cutter’s air pump intake. After testing, it was confirmed that there will be no need for noise dampening during the laser cutter’s operation.
Water Cooler
After materials verification, we connected the power to and external surge protector, which also provides power for the laser cutter itself. After a rinse of the internal water storage tank, the internal water storage was filled up with distilled water. To insure no contaminant were introduced to the laser cutter, a closed loop filtering was performed on the water cooler.
Later, the water hose for the water cooler was installed on the water cooler itself and the laser cutter’s water cooler intake and outtake, with the use of additional clamps.
Configuring the Laser Cutter
After initial subsystem configuration, the laser cutter was powered on to verify that all subsystems were function properly.
Figure : Assembled Muse Laser Cutter