Fall 2016 Velociraptor (W): Interface Matrix Update

By Gifty Sackey (Mission, Systems, Systems Engineer)

Approved by:

– Lam Nguyen (Project Manager)

– James Lee (Division Manager for Mission, Systems, and Test

Table of Contents


In this current block post, the interface matrix along with the eagle card documents have been provided and discussed in order to allow future 400D students to have a smooth transition when building upon the robot. The interface matrix excel document was designed based off the EAGLE CAD design which was designed by my groups electronics engineer. The EAGLE CAD allows us to have an idea of what our PCB will look like before actually printing it. With the help of this computer software, tracing the design is not tedious because we are able to see the components that are used and their respective wire connections. For the diagram below, the components are placed in columns and have their connections to the 3DoT board listed in each row section by the pin name. For instance with our GPIO expander, we notice that the SCL is connected through the IC1-12 pin while the SCA pin is connected at the IC1-13 to the GPIO expander.

Matrix Interface Link

Matrix Interface Link: interface-definition

Cable Tree Diagram

Along with the interface matrix, each project group is required to design a cable tree diagram which is another visual presentation of the system block diagram but with more details regarding the connection types; the wire lengths and also the gauge sizes. The cable tree diagram that has been provided below is based on the system block diagram and follows the same format and layout. This diagram was made possible through draw.io which served as the tool to design our diagram.


Diagram 1: Cable Tree


These diagrams that have posted above in this current blog post are the cabling diagram and interface diagrams. Both of these documents from above were previously presented during our presentation for the critical design review. Subsequently they have been revised to ensure that the velociraptor group produces excellent documentation materials.


[1] https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzIcuzRpcmk4S252NEc5Sld5MU0/view