Goliath Fall 2017

Final Budget and Expenses

John Ocampo (Electronics and Controls Engineer)
Approved By: Mark Huffman (Project Manager)

Cost Breakdown

By John Ocampo (Electronics and Controls Engineer)


By John Ocampo (Electronics and Controls Engineer)

This post is in accordance with the project requirement L1.11, “Budget”. In comparison to both the total expected cost and actual cost column, we could see which resources were supplied, cut, or purchased.A good portion of the components was covered through the use of previous semesters’ components specifically the: motor, 3dot board, and battery. The project also conserved funds by cutting PCB development due to time constraints. Ultimately the Goliath was within the budget of $258.95 out of the $350 allocated budget having spent only $128.47. Most of these cost reduction came to not completing the PCB and having it assembled.