Goliath Spring 2018 – Arxterra Custom Telemetry

By: Ryan Nguyen (MST Engineer)

Verified By: Ernie Trujillo (Project Manager)

Approved By: Miguel Garcia (Quality Assurance)


Arxterra controls were set up based on mission objectives and requirements. Four modes of control during remote mode are predetermined route mode, recorded route mode, playback route mode, and route with avoidance. The predetermined route mode commands the Goliath to drive through a path that was determined by the E&C engineer, this path is most likely the shortest path through the maze. The recorded route mode records the path that the user inputs. The playback mode takes the recorded path from memory; Goliath then repeats the same path that was memorized. Lastly, the route with avoidance calls the avoidance subroutine and allows Goliath to navigate the maze while avoiding obstacles. The option allows movement, which gives the user the ability to override the modes and stop the motors.

Figure 1. Capture of the screen showing custom controls from Arxterra App


Figure 2. Control panel on Arxterra website, showing successful connection and video live feed

MST engineer tested community mode on the Arxterra app by linking the app with the Arxterra control panel on a computer. After mounting the robot, or the app, the control panels were able to receive a live transmission from the phone; furthermore, all controls and custom controls are showing up and ready to go. Battery and telemetry also present, indicating successful test.

Figure 3. Solid LED light indicates a successful connection between phone and Bluetooth module.

Since the 3dot board version 6 was not ready yet, the HM 11 Bluetooth module was tested separately on a breadboard with the Arduino standard board as the microprocessor. The code from the 3dot library was uploaded to the Arduino and several attempts to connect the module to MST engineer’s mobile phone was successful, indicating that the HM 11 Bluetooth module on the 3dot board version 6 should work.


  1. https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Seeed-Studio/317030001?qs=SElPoaY2y5J3Mitl7sc2TA%3D%3D&gclid=CjwKCAjw_tTXBRBsEiwArqXyMlGpqg3f_3dhQyxT-aLVRoob5-ngyfoA-mhiYWZeuJaPzaxFBMzknhoC8UsQAvD_BwE
  2. www.arxterra.com/goliath-fall-2017-app-directed-rc-record-and-playback/#3Dot_Custom_Command_Setup