Mass Report

By: Mesfer Aldosari

Devices Mass (g) Quantity Total Mass (g)
Arduino Micro Atmega 32u4 13 1 13
Micro Servos (MG905) 13.4 12 160.8
Sain Smart HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor 8.5 1 8.5
MPU 6050 13 1 13
HC-06 1 1 1
Battery 28 2 56
Plastic 10 1 10
Total Mass 262.3

* Values given have been weighed by a scale. 


The table above explains what the mass of each device being used, there are seven devices in total. Which are: Arduino Micro, MG92B, Ultrasonic sensor, HC-06, MPU-6050, batteries, and 3-D PLAplastic.  The above table helps the group infer how much the robot may weigh and if they are near the mass limit.