By: Yakub Dure
Out of the three materials that are shown in the table, PLA plastic is the most suitable material for the project. This is because ABS plastic tends to be more flexible, which can cause the robot to bend and collapse under its own weight. As far as standard plastic is concerned, it will be time consuming and expensive to produce because everything has to be done manually and in budget. In addition PLA makes for a perfect prototyping material because of its rigid nature and shrink free printing, while ABS has tendencies to shrink when cooling after printing which can cause the measurements to be off. In addition, PLA is a bio-plastic material and can be recycled or composted.
- Advantages of a PLA Material
- A stronger material due to its rigidity for a 3-D print material.
It is far easier to print then ABS because it is a homogenous material, while most ABS type plastics will be a heterogeneous type material.
It is a light weight material that is cheap and safe to operate with
More accurate to print with compared to ABS.
- Disadvantages of a PLA Material
- The material does not have much flexibility which means it cannot take a heavy load because there is not give in the material to all for the stress to dissipate.
When compared to a molded material it is not as strong. The lack of strength compared to a molded material is primarily due to the layered structure of the material in 3-D print, while the molded material will have its bonds more intertwined.
- Advantages to ABS
- A sturdy and hard material due to its heterogeneous structure.
It has some flexibility, which means it has some give to allow for heavier loads and lack stress deformation.
It has a higher temperature resistance compared to PLA.
- Disadvantages to ABS
- It is a harder material to print with compared to PLA.
Takes longer to print each part compared to PLA.
When compared to a molded material it is not as strong. The lack of strength compared to a molded material is primarily due to the layered structure of the material in 3-D print, while the molded material will have its bonds more intertwined.
- Advantages to Standard Plastics
- With the right materials and components a molded piece can be superior to a 3-D component,: in load bearing capacity, temperature resistance , flexibility, and life span.
- Disadvantages to Standard Plastics
- The primary disadvantage is cost. The molding process in far more expensive then 3-D printing.
It does not lend itself to rapid prototyping as readily as ABS and PLA.
3.ABS. Stratasys Inc. (2007).
4.Imre, B. Renner, K. Pukanszky, B. “Interactions, Structure nad properties in poly(latic acid)/thermoplastic polymer blends.” eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol. 8, No. 1 (2014) 2-14. WEB