Mission Objective Modified
By Kristine Abatay, Project Manager
Following the group’s preliminary design review presentation, we met with the Robot Company’s President and modified our mission objective. Our new mission objective is:
Complete a hexapod robot project whose creation will achieve a speed that matches the current Robot Company rover project, operate safely, be capable of maneuvering a predetermined route in a forest-like setting, and have a body comprised of three-dimensional components.
Trickling down from this objective allowed us to create a fifth project requirement:
5. The legs and chassis components of Spiderbot will be designed to have three dimensions.
The other project requirements can be found ina previous post where the project was introduced:
Additionally, the following tests have been created to verify the project requirements that have been written (they are listed in the order from which they have been introduced):
Verification Tests:
Test 1
If project Spiderbot is completed by May 12, 2014, then this requirement will have been achieved.
Test 2
In order to verify the speed requirement, a flat surface, straight-lined course will be measured out and Spiderbot will complete the course while being timed. The resulting quotient of the length of the course, with the amount of time it will take Spiderbot to complete the course, will be calculated. If this value is equal to or less than the calculated rover speed, then requirement will have been achieved.
Test 3
The CSULB College of Engineering Health and Safety Policy states that “Faculty…shall: Implement the university’s Health and Safety Policy and all other university safety programs in work areas under their supervision/control.”
If Professor Hill, a faculty member of the CSULB College of Engineering, approves the operation of Spiderbot in the classroom, then this requirement will have been met.
Test 4
Verification of the height requirement will be done by measuring the height clearance, as well as the length of one leg sweep of the fully constructed Spiderbot.
Test 5
The requirement of a three dimensional design will be verified within the SolidWorks program, which enables our manufacturer to define the three axes of a design. If, at any rotated view of a component design, three separate pieces of the design can be chosen to define a respective x-, y-, and z- plane, then this requirement will have been fulfilled.