ModWheels Custom Command and Telemetry

By: Lucas Gutierrez (Project Manager)



An important aspect in fulfilling ModWheel’s mission requirements is integration with the Arxterra platform, both with the phone application and web based application.  To tailor and customize the user experience of the Arxterra applications to the ModWheels project, a few custom commands and telemetry will be incorporated. ModWheels would have implemented a 4 state custom command on the Arxterra GUI.  These states would have been RC (user controlled), Memory (Navigate with user), Replay (autonomous navigation), and Phase 2 (avoiding robots). RC mode would allow the user to control the ModWheels toy robot with the given slider options (motor). Memory would be a navigation of the maze with the user guiding the robot to the end of the maze. Replay would be the autonomous navigation of the maze based off Memory mode. Phase 2 would deal with avoiding robots in the maze. A new slider widget should be requested to allow for direct control of the servo on the ModWheel toy robot. The issues that arose revolving the 3DoT board made it difficult to test Arxterra on our toy robot.  Future teams that do decide to adopt this project should collaborate with Jeff Gomes when dealing with the Arxterra GUI.  Custom gadgets can be implemented that could make controlling the toy robot easier.

Custom Commands

RC Mode

Inside the maze

D-pad will be used to call predefined turn subroutines.

Outside of the maze


Forward: Increase speed from current speed to 255.

Left: Move servo to left when pressed and move back to center when button is released.

Right: Move servo to right when pressed and move back to center when button is released.

Back: Decrease motor speed from current speed to 0.

Autonomous Mode

Make predefined turns based on recorded data.


  • Battery level indicator.
  • Robot orientation (when using web based application).
  • Direction (when using web based application).
  • Current room (when using web based application).