Motor Selection

By: Electronics and Control – Kevin Armentrout

Table of Contents

Motor Selection

Motor Selection Criteria

From our initial calculations in PDR, it was determined that a motor must be able to produce a minimum of 140 mN-m of torque to provide the necessary movement for the legs of the raptor. This requirement initially left us with only one option, the Tamiya 70168 gearbox motor. More research, however, uncovered another candidate for our motor selection, the GM-9 Right angle motor.

Side by side comparison with tested values:

Motor Speed INL IStall IAve Stall Torque Weight
Tamiya 70168 36 RPM 163 mA 2056 mA 763 mA 223 mN-m 160g
GM-9 RA 40 RPM 55 mA 461 mA 146 mA 311 mN-m 30g


As seen by this comparison, the GM-9 Right Angle outclassed the Tamiya 70168 in every category. In addition to this, the GM-9 Right angle also supports a voltage range from 3-6V, which will allow for the entire voltage range of the battery from 3.6V to 4.2V

Graph of Current Versus Leg Position


Source Code

Battery Analysis

legMaxTorque = .223

legMaxTorque2 = .311

legCurrent2 = .055 + (.461 – .055) * TorqueForCurrent/(legMaxTorque2)

legCurrent = .15 + (2.1 – .15) * TorqueForCurrent/(legMaxTorque)

legAveCurrent = mean(legCurrent)

legAveCurrent2 = mean(legCurrent2)

legCurrentPeak = .15 + (2.1 – .15) * (max(LegTorque)/legMaxTorque)

leonardo = 14*.04

IMU = .000110 +.0061 + .00065

MotorShield = .010

ServoCurrent = 2*.400


CurrentDraw = 1000*(2*legAveCurrent + leonardo + IMU + MotorShield + ServoCurrent)

plot(-w1, legCurrent, col = “black”, type = “l”, pch = NA, lty = 1, lwd = 2, ylim = c(0,2.2), ylab = “Current (A)”, xlab = “Primary Lever Arm Position (Radians)”, main = “Leg Motor Current Versus Lever Arm Position”)

lines(-w1, legCurrent2, col = “red”, lwd=2)

legend(“topleft”, cex =.75, lty =c(1,1), lwd = c(2,2), col = c(“black”,”red”), legend = c(“Tamiya 70168″,”GM-9 Right Angle”))

Servo and Motor


# Radius in cm of the tail


Radius = 10

LegRadius = 10




TailPositionX10 = TailPositionX

TailPositionY10 = TailPositionY

HeadPositionX10 = HeadPositionX

HeadPositionY10 = HeadPositionY

X_Moment10 = X_Moment

Y_Moment10 = Y_Moment

Radius10 = 10

LegRadius10 = 10

MaxTorqueHeadX10 = MaxTorqueHeadX

MaxTorquePlatform10 = MaxTorquePlatform

LegTorque10 = LegTorque

RealMaxLegTorque10 = RealMaxLegTorque

MaxTurningTorque10 = MaxTurningTorque





Radius = 9

LegRadius = 9




TailPositionX9 = TailPositionX

TailPositionY9 = TailPositionY

HeadPositionX9 = HeadPositionX

HeadPositionY9 = HeadPositionY

X_Moment9 = X_Moment

Y_Moment9 = Y_Moment

Radius9 = 9

LegRadius9 = 9

MaxTorqueHeadX9 = MaxTorqueHeadX

MaxTorquePlatform9 = MaxTorquePlatform

LegTorque9 = LegTorque

RealMaxLegTorque9 = RealMaxLegTorque

MaxTurningTorque9 = MaxTurningTorque





Radius = 8

LegRadius = 8




TailPositionX8 = TailPositionX

TailPositionY8 = TailPositionY

HeadPositionX8 = HeadPositionX

HeadPositionY8 = HeadPositionY

X_Moment8 = X_Moment

Y_Moment8 = Y_Moment

Radius8 = 8

LegRadius8 = 8

MaxTorqueHeadX8 = MaxTorqueHeadX

MaxTorquePlatform8 = MaxTorquePlatform

LegTorque8 = LegTorque

RealMaxLegTorque8 = RealMaxLegTorque

MaxTurningTorque8 = MaxTurningTorque



Radius = 7

LegRadius = 7




TailPositionX7 = TailPositionX

TailPositionY7 = TailPositionY

HeadPositionX7 = HeadPositionX

HeadPositionY7 = HeadPositionY

X_Moment7 = X_Moment

Y_Moment7 = Y_Moment

Radius7 = 7

LegRadius7 = 7

MaxTorqueHeadX7 = MaxTorqueHeadX

MaxTorquePlatform7 = MaxTorquePlatform

LegTorque7 = LegTorque

RealMaxLegTorque7 = RealMaxLegTorque

MaxTurningTorque7 = MaxTurningTorque



Radius = 6

LegRadius = 6




TailPositionX6 = TailPositionX

TailPositionY6 = TailPositionY

HeadPositionX6 = HeadPositionX

HeadPositionY6 = HeadPositionY

X_Moment6 = X_Moment

Y_Moment6 = Y_Moment

Radius6 = 6

LegRadius6 = 6

MaxTorqueHeadX6 = MaxTorqueHeadX

MaxTorquePlatform6 = MaxTorquePlatform

LegTorque6 = LegTorque

RealMaxLegTorque6 = RealMaxLegTorque

MaxTurningTorque6 = MaxTurningTorque


plot(X_Moment10,Y_Moment10, col = “green”, lwd = 5, xlab = “X Shift (cm)”, ylab = “Y Shift (cm)”, main = “CoG Shift By H/T Motion” )

lines(X_Moment9,Y_Moment9, col = “red” , lwd = 5)

lines(X_Moment8,Y_Moment8, col = “blue” , lwd = 5)

lines(X_Moment7,Y_Moment7, col = “cyan” , lwd = 5)

lines(X_Moment6,Y_Moment6, col = “purple” , lwd = 5)


legend(“topleft”, lty =c(1,1,1,1,1), lwd = c(1,1,1,1,1), col = c(“green”,”red”,”blue”,”cyan”,”purple”), legend = c(“R = 10cm”,”R = 9cm”,”R = 8cm”,”R = 7cm”,”R = 6cm”))



plot(MaxSpeed,2*MaxTorqueHeadX10, ylim = c(0,max(MaxTorqueHeadX10)), pch = “.”, col = “green”, xlab = “Servo Speed (RPM)”, ylab = “Servo Torque (N-m)”, main = ” H/T Servo Torque vs RPM at Differing Radii”)

lines(MaxSpeed,2*MaxTorqueHeadX9, pch = “.”, col = “red”)

lines(MaxSpeed,2*MaxTorqueHeadX8, pch = “.”, col = “blue”)

lines(MaxSpeed,2*MaxTorqueHeadX7, pch = “.”, col = “cyan”)

lines(MaxSpeed,2*MaxTorqueHeadX6, pch = “.”, col = “purple”)


legend(“topleft”, lty =c(1,1,1,1,1), lwd = c(1,1,1,1,1), col = c(“green”,”red”,”blue”,”cyan”,”purple”), legend = c(“R = 10cm”,”R = 9cm”,”R = 8cm”,”R = 7cm”,”R = 6cm”))


plot(MaxSpeed,MaxTorquePlatform10 , ylim = c(0,max(MaxTorquePlatform10)), pch = “.”, col = “green”, xlab = “Servo Speed (RPM)”, ylab = “Servo Torque (N-m)”, main = “Platform Servo Torque vs RPM at Differing Radii”)

lines(MaxSpeed,MaxTorquePlatform9, pch = “.”, col = “red”)

lines(MaxSpeed,MaxTorquePlatform8, pch = “.”, col = “blue”)

lines(MaxSpeed,MaxTorquePlatform7, pch = “.”, col = “cyan”)

lines(MaxSpeed,MaxTorquePlatform6, pch = “.”, col = “purple”)

legend(“topleft”, lty =c(1,1,1,1,1), lwd = c(1,1,1,1,1), col = c(“green”,”red”,”blue”,”cyan”,”purple”), legend = c(“R = 10cm”,”R = 9cm”,”R = 8cm”,”R = 7cm”,”R = 6cm”))




#plot(thetaLeg, LegTorque10 , ylim = c(min(LegTorque10),max(LegTorque10) + .1), pch = “.”, col = “green”, xlab = “Theta (Radians)”, ylab = “Motor Torque (N-m)”, main = “Leg Torque Versus Lever-Arm Angle”)

#lines(thetaLeg, rep(RealMaxLegTorque10, length(LegTorque)), col = “green”, lty = 2)

#lines(thetaLeg, LegTorque9 , ylim = c(min(LegTorque10),max(LegTorque9)), col = “red”)

#lines(thetaLeg, rep(RealMaxLegTorque9, length(LegTorque)), col = “red”, lty = 2)

#lines(thetaLeg, LegTorque8 , ylim = c(min(LegTorque8),max(LegTorque9)), col = “blue”)

#lines(thetaLeg, rep(RealMaxLegTorque8, length(LegTorque)), col = “blue”, lty = 2)

#lines(thetaLeg, LegTorque7 , ylim = c(min(LegTorque7),max(LegTorque9)), col = “cyan”)

#lines(thetaLeg, rep(RealMaxLegTorque7, length(LegTorque)), col = “cyan”, lty = 2)

#lines(thetaLeg, LegTorque6 , ylim = c(min(LegTorque6),max(LegTorque9)), col = “purple”)

#lines(thetaLeg, rep(RealMaxLegTorque6, length(LegTorque)), col = “purple”, lty = 2)

#legend(“topleft”, lty =c(1,1,1,1,1), lwd = c(1,1,1,1,1), col = c(“green”,”red”,”blue”,”cyan”,”purple”), legend = c(“R = 10cm”,”R = 9cm”,”R = 8cm”,”R = 7cm”,”R = 6cm”))



Calcs Addendum

Radius1 = 2

Radius2 = 1.5*Radius1

Radius3 = 2.25*Radius1


RPM = 32

w1 = seq(from = 0, to = -2*pi, by = -2*pi/360)

w2 = c(seq(from = 0, to = -(4/3)*pi, by = -(4/3)*pi/(2*length(w1)/3)),seq(from = -(4/3)*pi, to = -2*pi, by = -(2/3)*pi/(1*length(w1)/3)))

w2 = w2[1:length(w1)+1] – 4*pi/3

w3 = c(seq(from = 0, to = -(4/3)*pi, by = -(4/3)*pi/(2*length(w1)/3)),seq(from = (4/3)*pi, to = 0, by = -(2/3)*pi/(1*length(w1)/3)))

w3 = w3[1:length(w1)+1] – 5*pi/6


# ABS plastic weight is .97g/cc



ABSDensity = .97


# Other side is roughly a quarter of scaling factor in length

massR2 = .5*(Radius2 * .25) * ABSDensity


# Other side is roughly a one and a half quarter of scaling factor in  length

massR3 = .5*(Radius3 * 1.5) * ABSDensity


# Other side is roughly a quarter of lever arm length

mass = 657

bodyMass = mass/2 – 2*(massR2 + massR3)


# Centripital Acceleration



A2 = (2*pi*RPM/60)^2 * Radius2/100

A3 = (2*pi*RPM/60)^2 * Radius3/100


g = 9.8


LegTorque1 = (bodyMass)/1000 * g * Radius1/100 * sin(w1)

LegTorque2 = ((massR2)/1000 * g * Radius2/100) + ((bodyMass)/1000 * g * Radius2/100 * sin(w2))

LegTorque3 = ((massR3)/1000 * g * Radius3/100) + ((bodyMass)/1000 * g * Radius3/100 * sin(w3))


LegTorque = (LegTorque1 + LegTorque2 + LegTorque3)

plot(w1, LegTorque, col = “black”, type = “o”, pch = NA, lty = 1, lwd = 2, ylab = “Torque (N-m)”, xlab = “Primary Lever Arm Position (Radians)”, main = “Leg Torque Versus Lever Arm Position”)

AverageLT = mean(LegTorque)

TorqueForCurrent = LegTorque

TorqueForCurrent[TorqueForCurrent < 0] = 0



wTip = seq(pi/2, 0,(-pi/2)/360)

TipOverTorque = 6.5/100 * g * (BodyMass/2-2*(massR2 + massR3))/1000

plot(MaxSpeed,2*MaxTorqueHeadX10, cex = .75, ylim = c(0,2*max(MaxTorqueHeadX10)), pch = “.”, col = “green”, xlab = “Servo Speed (RPM)”, ylab = “Servo Torque (N-m)”, main = ” H/T Servo Torque vs RPM at Differing H/T Radii”)

lines(MaxSpeed,2*MaxTorqueHeadX9, pch = “.”, col = “red”)

lines(MaxSpeed,2*MaxTorqueHeadX8, pch = “.”, col = “blue”)

lines(MaxSpeed,2*MaxTorqueHeadX7, pch = “.”, col = “orange”)

lines(MaxSpeed,2*MaxTorqueHeadX6, pch = “.”, col = “brown”)

lines(MaxSpeed,rep(TipOverTorque,length(MaxTorqueHeadX7)),col = “black”)

legend(“topleft”, cex =.75, lty =c(1,1,1,1,1,1), lwd = c(1,1,1,1,1,1), col = c(“green”,”red”,”blue”,”orange”,”brown”,”black”), legend = c(“R = 10cm”,”R = 9cm”,”R = 8cm”,”R = 7cm”,”R = 6cm”, “Tip Over Torque”))


thetaPlatform = seq(-6.5*pi/180, 6.5*pi/180, 1/360)

HeadPlatformPositionZ7 = 7*sin(thetaPlatform)

TailPlatformPositionZ7 = -7*sin(thetaPlatform)

HeadPlatformPositionZ6 = 6*sin(thetaPlatform)

TailPlatformPositionZ6 = -6*sin(thetaPlatform)

HeadPlatformPositionZ8 = 8*sin(thetaPlatform)

TailPlatformPositionZ8 = -8*sin(thetaPlatform)

HeadPlatformPositionZ9 = 9*sin(thetaPlatform)

TailPlatformPositionZ9 = -9*sin(thetaPlatform)

HeadPlatformPositionZ10 = 10*sin(thetaPlatform)

TailPlatformPositionZ10 = -10*sin(thetaPlatform)


plot(HeadPlatformPositionZ10, thetaPlatform*180/pi, cex = .75, xlim = c(min(TailPlatformPositionZ10),max(HeadPlatformPositionZ10)), type = “o”, pch = NA, col = “green”, xlab = “Head and Tail Position Z Axis (cm)”, ylab = “Platform Inclination (degrees)”, main = “H/T Position vs Inclination Angle”)

lines(HeadPlatformPositionZ9, thetaPlatform*180/pi, pch = “.”, col = “red”)

lines(HeadPlatformPositionZ8, thetaPlatform*180/pi, pch = “.”, col = “blue”)

lines(HeadPlatformPositionZ7, thetaPlatform*180/pi, pch = “.”, col = “orange”)

lines(HeadPlatformPositionZ6, thetaPlatform*180/pi, pch = “.”, col = “brown”)

lines(TailPlatformPositionZ10, thetaPlatform*180/pi, pch = “.”, col = “green”)

lines(TailPlatformPositionZ9, thetaPlatform*180/pi, pch = “.”, col = “red”)

lines(TailPlatformPositionZ8, thetaPlatform*180/pi, pch = “.”, col = “blue”)

lines(TailPlatformPositionZ7, thetaPlatform*180/pi, pch = “.”, col = “orange”)

lines(TailPlatformPositionZ6, thetaPlatform*180/pi, pch = “.”, col = “brown”)

legend(“topleft”, cex =.75, lty =c(1,1,1,1,1,1), lwd = c(1,1,1,1,1,1), col = c(“green”,”red”,”blue”,”orange”,”brown”), legend = c(“R = 10cm”,”R = 9cm”,”R = 8cm”,”R = 7cm”,”R = 6cm”))


ADC = seq(0,3.3,.00080)

ADC = c(ADC, rep(3.3, length(ADC)*(1/12)))

ADCRad = seq(0,2*pi, 2*pi/length(ADC))

ADCRad = ADCRad[1:length(ADCRad)-1]

plot(ADCRad, ADC, col = “black”, type = “l”, pch = NA, lty = 1, lwd = 2,  ylab = “ADC Voltage (V)”, xlab = “Primary Lever Arm Position (Radians)”, main = “A/D Voltage Versus Shaft Position”)