By Cristian Figueroa
Table of Contents
In order to improve on previous semesters design and to better help future generations understand what is happening with the components inside the electronic box, some diagrams were created. A block diagram was created that shows the electronics that get connected onto the PCB. A matrix interface was created to help understand what pins are connected in the PCB and the Arduino. And finally a wiring diagram was created to show how everything gets wired in the box.
Block Diagram
Figure 1 shows the components that are connected to the PCB. The pan & tilt block contains two servos with 3 wires each coming to the PCB. The Front Panel contains two ultra-sonic sensors with 4 wires each coming to the PCB and two led with 2 wires each coming to the PCB. Bluetooth just plugs straight into the board. The PCB for the Solar Panel contains the stepper motor with 3 wires coming to the PCB and the i2c with 4 wires coming to the PCB. The Motor shields are plugged onto a PCB that gets plugged into the PCB for the chassis. Two wires from each motor is plugged into the motor shields.
Wiring Diagram
Figure 2 shows how the wiring should be done inside the chassis. Three sets of 6 wires are coming from underneath the chassis and through the two holes. The green wires arn’t used. Three wires are connected to the shaft encoders. And two are connected to the motor drivers. From there the other main thing is the terminal block that redistributes voltage. There are 4 black and red wires. The red ones go to Vin in each motor driver and the PCB. The black wires go to GND in each motor driver and Vin on the PCB.
Interface Matrix
Figure 3.1 shows the Arduino pin layout which was used to help map out where to connect which pins go from the PCB to it.
Figure 3.2 shows the interface matrix of the components on the PCB and the Arduino.
Figure 3.3 shows the pin layout of each component on the PCB.
The diagrams shown in this blog post were created to show what is happening in the electronics box and it is our hope that they can help future readers.