Range Sensor Power Test
By Zach Oyog (Electronics & Control)
Due to current restrictions of the RCR123A, the current draw of each component used on the 3DoT robots must be minimal. Each robot requires a ranging sensor to avoid obstacles. This post details the current draw of 3 different ranging sensors: VL6180 ToF ranging, sensor VCNL4010 proximity sensor, and HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor. The current was measured using a digital multimeter in series with the sensor’s supply voltage pin while actively testing the sensing range. Each current measurement was taken with the Voltage supply at +3.3V (3DoT standard) and 5V.
VCNL4010 Proximity Sensor:
- Voltage: 2.5V – 5.5V DC
- LED drive current: 10mA – 200mA
- Max current draw (250 measurements per 1 second): 4mA
- Min current draw (2 measurements per 1 second): 5uA
- Ranging Distance: 10cm – 150cm
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor:
- Voltage: 5V DC
- Operating Current: 15mA
- Ranging Distance: 2cm – 400cm
VL6180 ToF Range Sensor:
- Voltage: 2.8V onboard regulator
- Operating Current: Not Given
- Ranging Distance: 10cm – 25cm
The current measured for each breakout was direct current