Spring 2017 Preliminary Project Plan: Prosthetic Hand
The Robot Company | CEO Professor Gary Hill
Project Manager: Bianca Esquivel | Mission, Systems, and Test Engineer: Chris Bautista
Electronics and Control Engineer: Forest Nutter | Manufacturing Engineer: David Mendoza
Table of Contents
Prosthetic Hand Project WBS
by Bianca Esquivel (Project Manager)
Work Breakdown Structure
This is a hierarchical breakdown of the work that is necessary to complete the project, i.e. building the prosthetic hand. This coincides with the Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) located in the Preliminary Design Document:
As well as also reflecting the tasks assigned to each position in the company matrix.
Project Schedule
by Bianca Esquivel: Project Manager
Top Level Schedule
The Top Level Schedule was created in Project Libre, it is a combination of a Spreadsheet and of a Gantt Chart to exhibit the schedule from today (March 3rd, 2017) to the End of the Semester, and therefore, the End of the Project (May 19th, 2017). All the tasks listed in the Top Level Schedule reflect the tasks that need to be completed based off of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) provided above.
System/Subsystem Level Tasks
These are tasks that reflect the L2 Requirements located in a separate blog post. These are system and subsystem tasks that need to be completed to move the project forward.
Prosthetic Hand – L2 Requirements
Project Burndown
by Bianca Esquivel: Project Manager
System Resource Reports
by Chris Bautista: Mission, Systems, and Test Engineer
Project Cost Estimate
by Chris Bautista: Mission, Systems, and Test Engineer