Spring 2017 Prosthetic Hand: Critical Program Module/Firmware
The Robot Company | CEO Professor Gary Hill
Blog Post Created By Project Manager | Bianca Esquivel
Project Code Written By Electronics and Control Engineer | Forest Nutter
Hand PCB Code
Hand Code by Forest Nutter | Electronics and Control Engineer
The Code should be able to Read 3 Force Sensors, control 2 Motor Drivers that will control 3 DC motors, predict where the motors are using a timer, Read and send data from the xbee.
The XbeeSR function was tested with the xbee shields and worked.
The Code was able to control the DC motors through the Motors drivers.
The Code was able to read 3 analog voltages from the Force Sensors.
The hand never worked, so majority of this code is untested and unfinished. Spent a lot of my time working on building the hand instead of coding it. I like to code projects that are complete so i can test my code as i go. Since this project was never finished I never went through that process.
Foot PCB Code
Foot Code by Forest Nutter | Electronics and Control Engineer
The Code should be able to control the speed of a vibrating motor based on signals from the hand, read 4 analog voltages from the flex sensors, determine what mode the foot is making based on the flex sensors, Send and receive data from the hand xbee.
The XbeeSR function was tested with the xbee shields and worked.
The modeSelector was working but the 5th mode was not implemented because of lack of time.
The code can read 4 analog voltages from the flex sensors.
Controlling the speed of a vibrating motor by using PWM and a npn transistor was breadboarded and tested. But was not fully implemented in the code because of lack of time.
The hand never worked, so majority of this code is untested and unfinished. Spent a lot of my time working on building the hand instead of coding it. I like to code projects that are complete so i can test my code as i go. Since this project was never finished I never went through that process.
Link to the Hand and Foot Code: