Spring 2016 3DOT Goliath, Uploading the Firmware onto the 3Dot Board
By: Tae Min Lee (Systems)
Before we upload any programs onto the PCB we have to upload a firmware. The ATMEL Mega32u4 we soldered on the 3Dot cannot function because the chip has not been programmed. In order to make the PCB programmable we will require to upload a firmware (programmable program) using ISP (In-System Programmer).
Steps we will be taking to uploading the firmware onto the PCB:
- Install the USB driver for the AVRISP mkii (Guide: USB Driver Installation).
- ISP connection pins are needed to communicate with a device through the SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) using pins MOSI, MISO, Vcc, GND, SCK, RESET.
- Using the ISP connector connect it to the ICSP header to reprogram the microprocessor.
- When connecting the ISP connector onto the ICSP header make sure the orientation of the connection is correct. For more info refer to the AVRISP mkii Programming document.
- Download the following zip file from https://github.com/sparkfun/Arduino_Boards
- Extract Caterina-promicro8. hex file
- Open Arduino_Boards-master -> sparkfun -> avr -> bootloaders -> caterina
- Open up AVR Studio 4 and click on AVR Icon shown below
- Click on disconnected mode and go to Main tab and select the device that will be used and click read signature
- Go to program tab and under flash open the file from step an and press program
- Extract Caterina-promicro8. hex file
- Now you’re finished and ready to use the 3Dot Board