Spring 2016 RoFi: Bluetooth Verification Test

Christopher Andelin (Project Manager)

Mario Ramirez (Systems Engineer)

Qui Du (Manufacturing Engineer)

Andrew Laqui (Electronics and Controls Engineer)

Henry Ruff (Electronics and Controls Engineer)

Bluetooth Verification Test

Mario Ramirez (Systems Engineer)

Test Objective

To verify that a Bluetooth module, HC-06 and a cell phone are able to communicate within a distance of 10 feet +/- 0.5 feet.


Figure 1 indicates that a measuring tape is needed to verify this test.

figure 1

Figure 1: Measuring Tape

Preliminary Info

Bluetooth code: https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive

Bluetooth Circuit

Figure 2 shows how to connect the Bluetooth to the Arduino for this test.

figure 2

Figure 2: Fritzing Diagram


Setup the Bluetooth module, Arduino and a LED.  Verify that the code is uploaded to the Arduino and begin.

1.Lay the measuring tape and create a distance of 10 feet.

figure 3_compressed

Figure 3: Measure Distance

2. Starting at 1 foot away from LED, turn the LED on and off with your phone to insure you are connected.

3. Move away 0.5 feet and again turn the LED on and off to insure you are connected.

figure 4_compressed

Figure 4: Turn LED on and off while moving back

4. Repeat step 3 until you reach 10 feet.

figure 5_compressed

Figure 5: Turn LED on and off at 10 feet


Figure 6 is a table of my results.

figure 6

Figure 6: Results

In our requirements the Bluetooth module must have a range of at least 10 feet; from our verification test, we have met this requirement.  Trial 4 was a test to verify our max range and 27 feet was the maximum range we could physically move away from the Bluetooth module while remaining in the same room.