Spring 2018 AT-ST Final Code
By: Samuel K Yoo (Electronics & Control – Software)
Verified By: Intiser Kabir (Project Manager)
Approved By: Miguel Garcia (Quality Assurance)
This is the final code for the AT-ST for Spring of 2018. There are many problems with the code, not only with missing sections, but there is also no test for the other values. The robot can walk forward and turn, however, the code to test for the maze has not been done along with missing parts.
This code has a lot of missing code. The biggest code that is missing is from the void loop, which uses the whichway code and the Bluetooth integration. For the future electronic and control engineer of the AT-ST read the 3DoT manual ahead of time. The coding for the bluetooth is extremely difficult. The lab sequence is not that difficult to understand however the bluetooth is. Another advice is to test the robot as quickly as possible to find the errors both in the program and physical movements. The walking program should work immediately, however, a physical error with one of the legs cause a lot of hardships. The code forward only works with the spring 2018 model. The program takes one small step with the messed up leg and four to five steps with the good leg. This will cause it to steer toward a direction, however, it still moves forward. The whichway code should be pretty much be the same, however, add the hitwall from lab 5 of the training sequence.