Spring 2018: BiPed Work Breakdown Structure
By: Miguel Gonzalez (Project Manager & Manufacturing)
Approved by: Miguel Garcia (Quality Assurance)
Table of Contents
Work Breakdown Structure
For project BiPed, the group consisted of three members fulfilling the roles of Project Manager, E&C, MST, and Manufacturing Engineer. Since the group consisted of fewer members than the positions to fill the manufacturing role of the team was given to the Project Manager.
The diagram below shows the workload of the project and how it is distributed among the team. It is based on the job descriptions and shows major tasks that each person is responsible for. We will be taking a look at each team members role more closely to better understand the structure of the team and its workload.
Miguel Gonzalez (Project Manager)
At the top of the WBS in blue, we have the project manager section. Note that in our case the project manager is also the manufacturing engineer and thus the tasks for both roles are given to the same person. The second blue icon shows the tasks specific to the project manager which has the project manager responsible for the following tasks:
- Creating and managing schedule
- Creating a budget list
- Creating the preliminary report
- Creating the final blog post
- Creating project video
- Define Work Breakdown Schedule
The manufacturing tasks given to the project manager are listed to the right side of the WBS also in blue. These tasks are broken down into three sections Mechanical Design, 3D Modeling, and Assembly. These sections were created based on which tasks are needed to be done before moving on to the next section. For example, Mechanical Design is a prerequisite for 3D Modeling and Assemble thus it is located on top of the other tasks.
Jeffery De La Cruz (MST)
Moving on to the left side of the WBS (in red), we have all the tasks assigned to the MST engineer. Once again, these tasks are divided up into three sections System Designs, Software, and System Tests. The system designs include tasks that have a focus on research and trade studies that will end up helping with the software development and system test. Once those tasks are done the MST engineer can proceed with implementing the software with the Arxterra control panel and onto an android application. The final tasks for the MST engineer focus on verifying and testing all sections of the robot to see if they are operational.
Jorge Hernandez (E&C)
The final branch in the WBS applies to the E&C engineer and his tasks needed for a successful project. The E&C has the greatest responsibility for the success of the robot becoming operational. His roles are divided into 4 categories Electronics Design, Experiments, Microcontroller, and Control. These categories cover a wide range of taks that need to be realized to proceed with the overall goal of the Biped project which is stated in our preliminary design blog post and here.