Force Sensor Tradeoff Study

By: Grace Hutchinson

Build-A-Block researched different types a force sensors such as Time of Flight (TOF), Infrared (IR) Sensor, Force Sensitive Resistor, Hall Effect, Load Cell, and Photo Interrupter. We compared prices, weight, dimensions, input voltage, input current, and several other descriptions.

Force sensor minimum requirements:

  • Weight: < 5 grams

The weight must be less than 5 grams in order to avoid straining the arm, as the force sensor will be attached to the claw at the end of the arm. Torque calculations have been done for the weight of the arm in the Servo and Torque blog post.

  • Range: 0 mm to 50 mm

The range of 0 mm to 50 mm is because we are attaching the sensor to the claw of the arm, which will be located close to the Jenga Blocks. In order to properly sense the blocks the range must be small enough to allow the user to adjust accordingly when within a close enough range.

  • Voltage: 3.3 V

The force sensor will be powered by the 3DoT which requires a 3.3 V source limit.

  • Dimensions: < 20mm x 20mm x 20mm

The force sensor will be placed on the claw, so a dimension limit of 20mm x 20mm x 20mm would allow the claw to operate properly without the sensor getting in the way.

Time of Flight (TOF) Use for range finding, emits light. Small and low weight. Uses timed pulses with very little delay time. Generally used for larger ranges (meters). Weight: 11 g

Operating range: 0.1m-12m

Supply Voltage: 5V +/- 0.5V


Average current: <= 110mA Power: 550mW

$44.95 ✗ WEIGHT




Infrared (IR) Sensor Emits or detects infrared radiation to measure distance. Often used for motion detection. Range: 40 mm – 300 mm

Voltage: 4.5V – 5.5V


Current: =~ 3mA

Power: 13.5mW

$13.95 ✗ WEIGHT




Force Sensitive Resistor Changes its resistance when a force/ pressure is applied. Allows users to detect physical pressure, squeezing, and weight. Weight range: 100g – 10kg


Resistance: 4kOhm @ 200 g, 1MOhm at starting

$6.95 ✗ WEIGHT




Hall Effect Sensor Metal strip with current applied, when near a magnetic field the electrons deflect to one side. Can be used for proximity sensing (most helpful), positioning, and speed detection. Voltage: 3.5V – 24V

Current: <= 5mA Power: 17.5mW

$0.95 ✗ WEIGHT




Load Cell/ Sensor Transducer that converts force (tension, compression, pressure, or torque) into a directly proportional electrical signal. The electrical signal can be measured. Voltage: 6V


Capacity: 100-1500 g

$9.95 ✗ WEIGHT




Photo Interrupter Sensor that emits infrared from one side to another that can detect when an object passes between. Gap range: 10mm

Voltage: 6V


Current: 50mA

Power: 75mW

$2.50 ✗ WEIGHT




Proximity Sensor(Adafruit) Add basic gesture sensing, RGB color sensing, proximity sensing, or ambient light sensing. Detects simple gestures , returns the amount of red, blue, green, and clear light, or returns how close an object is to the front of the sensor. Uses an I2C Product Weight: 1.3g / 0.0oz

Voltage: 3.3 V – 5.0 V


Current: < 100 mA

$7.50 ✓ WEIGHT




Ultrasonic Distance Sensor – HC-SR04 Provides 2cm to 400cm of non-contact measurement functionality with a ranging accuracy that can reach up to 3mm Ranging Distance: 2cm – 4m

Operating Voltage: 5V DC

Dimensions: 45x20x15mm

Operating Current: 15mA

Measure Angle: 15°

$3.95 ✗ WEIGHT




VCNL4040 Proximity and Lux Sensor Proximity sensor that works from 0 to 200mm and light sensor with range of 0.0125 to 6553 lux Weight: 1.7g / 0.1oz

Voltage: 3.3 V – 5.0 V


Current: < 100 mA

$5.95 ✓ WEIGHT