S17 Prosthetic Hand: Solidworks Palm Design
The process of designing the palm structure for the prosthetic hand and the adjoining thumb flexion components.
The process of designing the palm structure for the prosthetic hand and the adjoining thumb flexion components.
The process of developing the solidworks designs of the fingers for the prosthetic hand.
In order to control the Hand on this project, it needs two Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) to be wirelessly communicating to each other. One of the PCBs will be placed in the arm and the other in a containment box attached to the customers ankle that would have flex sensors attached on the inside of their shoe.
To satisfy L1.5 Custom PCB Requirement – The prosthetic arm shall implement a custom printed circuit board (PCB) that incorporates a complexity of design, implementing at least 2 layers, and includes the use surface mount components.
This post is about the different problems faced during the design of the prosthetic arm and how they were overcome.
Luis Valdivia (Project Manger)
Anthony Becerril (Systems Engineer)
Juan Mendez (Manufacturing Engineer)
Kevin Nguyen (Electronics Engineer)
Table of contents:
Program Objective:
The Program Objective of the Millennium Falcon is to produce a safe, low cost, and durable quadcopter using ducted fans. The Millennium Falcon quadcopter will allow user friendly connectivity to an RC controller or any smartphone device using the Arxterra application. The project shall explore multiple innovative design solutions for yaw control leading to stable flight during operation of quadcopter. Stable horizontal flight control will also be addressed, as a design feature. The aircraft will resemble the famous spaceship from the Star Wars movie franchise with a newly designed shell and programmable lights.
Mission Profile:
The Mission Profile for the Millennium Falcon is to complete a flight course outside out CSULB property. The Millennium Falcon quadcopter must maintain stable flight as it circles around a tree in the field across the Whaley Park Community Center. Before attempting flight, the aircraft must be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration to ensure a safe environment for others.
Level 1 Requirements:
Level 2 Requirements:
Design innovation:
Below you can see the creative design process used in the creativity exercise.
Creative solution for vehicle protection:
Creative solution for controlling yaw rotation:
Subsystem Requirements:
Product Breakdown Structure (PBS):
Below in the product breakdown structure, all components of focus are outlined with details explaining their purpose.
Electronics System Design:
Wireless Communication
Light Show
5th Ducted Fan
System Block Diagram:
This is the Signal Block Diagram for the Millennium Falcon Quadcopter. To maintain stability during flight, the microcontroller will constantly read data from the sensors and the data would then be analyzed using a PID algorithm. The PID controller would determine how much power to supply to the ESCs to keep the Quadcopter in a stable position. The ESCs are directly connected to the Electric Ducted Fans and will control the speed accordingly. The microcontroller will be setup with a bluetooth module for communication with any mobile device. As an alternative to bluetooth communication, an RF transceiver will be connected to an input pin of the GPIO. A Remote Controller will be designed to communicate with the RF transceiver to control the quadcopter. The advantages of using radio communication instead of bluetooth communication is that radio waves are capable of travelling much longer distances than bluetooth. A 14.5 V LiPo battery will be used to supply power to the device.
Interface Definition:
Resource Map
MultiWii 328p | Bluetooth | ESC | LED | |
1 | 3.3V | Vcc | ||
2 | A0 | |||
3 | A1 | |||
4 | A2 | |||
5 | AX1 | Vin | ||
6 | AX2(RX1) | RXD | ||
7 | AX3(TX0) | TXD | ||
8 | AX4/D3 | |||
9 | BAT | |||
10 | D10 | Front Right ESC | ||
11 | D11 | Rear Right ESC | ||
12 | D12 | Side ESC | ||
13 | D2 | |||
14 | D3 | Rear Left ESC | ||
15 | D9 | Front Left ESC | ||
16 | D13 | |||
17 | LCD | |||
18 | PIT | |||
19 | PSE | |||
20 | PWR | |||
21 | ROL | |||
22 | THR | |||
23 | YAW | |||
24 | GND | GND | GND |
Based on last semester’s resource map, the pin connections for the components will be similarly placed with addition to the 5th ESC that will be used for yaw control. The LED is moved to Auxiliary Pin 1 to make room for the 5th ESC. Pin layout for the sensors are not needed since they are embedded within the microcontroller.
Manufacturing Design:
Electric Ducted Fan
Picture of Electric Ducted Fan (EDF):
Picture of prototype EDF bracket:
Orientation (Alternate solution for yaw control)
Battery Protection
Picture of battery enclosure prototype:
Picture landing leg prototype:
Printed Circuit Board
Shell Casing
Picture of Millennium Falcon prototype shell:
Design and Unique Task Descriptions:
Task: Landing Legs must be able to support more than the estimated mass of the quadcopter.
Solution: Manufacture legs of best material in mass and strength combination.
Task: Test wireless control capabilities.
Solution: For bluetooth and RC control, test signal strength for best control.
Task: Power complete quadcopter electronics system.
Solution: Upon quadcopter completion, choose a battery best fit for quadcopter.
Task: Create quadcopter stability during flight.
Solution: Test EDFs thrust capability and trial and error placement and direction of EDF .
Cite references: