Ultrasonic Sensors – Field of View
By: Jose Alcantar, Electronics and Controls Engineer
HC-SR04 Experiment
Data Sheet Values:
Max Range: 4m
Min range: 2cm
Measuring angle: 15 degrees
Testing the field of view on the HC-SR04 to find a suitable mounting position for the two ultrasonic sensors along the front of the rover.
An object was placed in front of the ultrasonic sensor about 25 inches away; the position of the object was marked and moved in increments of 5 inches until the object was out of view. When the object was no longer detected the position was marked. The angle of the field of view was then calculated.
Based on the experiment, the angle of the field of view was found to be 18 degrees when measuring an object 25 inches away. The position of the sensors was determined by considering the clearance needed on each side of the rover. When considering the solar panels, the two ultrasonic sensors need to detect obstacles at least 5 inches to each side of the chassis. This will allow the pathfinder to avoid obstacles that may bump into the solar panels.